Thursday, October 14, 2010

Virtual Tech Deck Games

O Vertigo

Deeply impressed and shocked by the most beautiful art experience I have ever had ...

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Safe To Buy Alibaba

St. Petersburg

"nostalgia for the faded city"

... in the first two days, I wanted to go home ... in the last three I did not want to leave ...

one unit in the networks of this city, I will not go anymore.
For this is the cultural capital of Russia known.

impressed by the variety of cuisine and the thousands of 24-hour shops felt I am at home.
A noise of millions of existing Shoeshops is addictive and seduces not only the shopping victims, but also the ones to do so.
The same with the selection of cigarettes Although I am not a smoker, I was wondering seriously after five minutes standing in line at a kiosk if I should not smoke again.
selection is all the talking. Of restaurants, of ideas, everything. If one has the money, you get everything.
Some were with the Choice at all overburdened.

emotions. Rich and poor. Young and ill. Real. Dangerous. But above all the friendly maxim. As beautiful as it goes.
A mass of talent.

Dazzling nightlife.

This was the beginning of anything as enticing ... Despite Western-European architecture, there are many old, before-the-way-houses ailing, irritate some a little ... According to some residents, the city during the day even with a depressive character. Off many a poet was killed in this city. (Pushkin, Yesenin, Dostoevsky)
But she combined all the love for her.

If anyone expects a second Paris, is there on the wrong track. St. Petersburg is certainly a beautiful city, not by the courts once in tsarist completely, but what makes this city so is the inner beauty.
The soul and the spirit that carries them. It is simply absorbed.