Monday, September 6, 2010

Cruising Toilets In Pretoria

Decided on LJ

After a rather sleepless night, but insightful, but I have now decided against Twitter.

Despite interesting Tweeps (usually known people), similar to most normal users an emotional messages by spam. I know that arose in the blogging culture, as some truth, but who cares for the virtual trash, where you can enter just 140 characters?

And what happens to it in a few years?

A study says that the benefit of Facebook makes a rather clever (through the training of working memory), while Twitter more likely to achieve the opposite.

Well, tweets are interesting nevertheless. As mentioned above, when most of famous people or politicians. So I've noticed that the micro-blog of Lady Gaga are much more interesting than that of Britney Spears, even though both refer to the ranking.

short the current ranking:

After Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Ashton Kutcher Barack Obama is ranked 4th (?)

A nice blog also comes from the Russian president, direct from the Kremlin.

Instead, the Twitter account of Angela Merkel hard to find, at least the real ... In the pile of fake accounts on Angie (? Why are German politicians ridiculed more often?) I found him still, this was not updated since the summer ...

Twitter or not, some find it important, some rather less, for as to tell me that LJ is an alternative.


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