Monday, December 6, 2010

Lights Around My Philips Tv

Ulm \u0026lt;3

Since the university but currently not very exciting, I was the weekend in my hometown. And what can I say? It was absolutely beautiful!
On Friday, shortly after the stress with my neighbor did it by carpooling to the south. Only three hours later I stood at the main station, there to wait for my sweet. They came on time and on the train from Augsburg. Somehow it was still strange to see us again soon, a'ight? ;) The Knese (bus company) we set in the small village where we were then already provided by Miller's parents with pizza. It was unbelievable for a year not to have been there. After much talkin, we went to bed, finally we had to get out Saturday morning. Saturday morning my alarm clock rang
, desire to get up but we both had very little, so we were happy about it but, Marlit that only arrived about two hours later in Ulm. We were able to sleep an hour longer, until we were picked up at the main station and Kathrin Claudia. We normally had breakfast and came later on the main station as settled. But already there were the two Tyrolean and I could hold three months finally back in my arms. Of course it was Topic No. 1: Namibia! Way too much we miss all our kiddies and the simple life, but we try as best we can, take in Europe back foot. An hour later came Marlit and we were four reunited. The five of us headed to the Henry's in order to eat breakfast properly. Afterwards, it finally went to the Christmas market, once again just short and into the cathedral, then again at the Christmas market and at the end again in a café. After 9 hours together it was called then take leave again. For the Tyrolean and I'm at least for the foreseeable future, in three weeks, I namely, in beautiful Austria.
gathered on Saturday evening, we then after a few communication difficulties Shugo. With him, we went home, watch TV or eat a snack, and off to bed.
Sunday we drove to the breakfast sleigh. Exactly at the sports complex where I used to be with my parents. It was really fun again. His child is just great. After the sport gave it food and then we went and again at the Christmas market, where we met with Kuwa and surprisingly Nats. Until my departure, we spent the afternoon on the market and enjoys the hours together.
in time by 19 clock it was for me back then, so I because of the weather to 11:30 in the evening arrived.

The weekend did really well and has been worth it. Now there are only two weeks before I am already back on the next Travel'm doing. I'm happy because, as written above, the university is currently not so exciting.
would much prefer it to me, however (and I say this with great longing) when I could to Namibia. I miss Martiens, the sun, my kids, pop, ... but still strong. The weekend in Ulm has made me realize that we (Marti and I) need a solution. I regret to me, at least until tomorrow to take care of my first paper before I can worry about whether such a relationship makes sense at all.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can You Die From An Underactive Thyroid

Dresden's new architecture

"A changing city"

One can hardly ignore it but it is currently being built very much in Dresden. There is much movement there is in the city. Numerous hotels, galleries and the Waldschlößchenbrücke occur within a very short time and change more and more the city. It is a problem. Many architectural trend does not always taste of the citizen.

When you hear the word of Dresden, one thinks immediately of the Baroque. But, if you look at the new style noted that nothing is left, what is both true, as we move with the times and not in the past remain. On the other hand, falls on the negative fact that more and more concrete squares are put out and particularly in the center, in practice, where most tourists stay. The most famous model was the concrete wilderness of the post space.

The goal was to "make the kennel with no competition, but rather complement the historic baroque architecture with modern architecture." Whether the Kennel added to the cube really is more than questionable.

But there are also pleasant trends, such as the construction of lofts with huge windows. This concept is now also used in gyms and renovated buildings.

An often forgotten cause remains the residential landscape and the slopes above the Elbe, the Dresden make it unique.

Anyone interested in the new architecture of this city, which would be wonderful website recommended. The site offers information and images include the time demolition of 20 th century to contemporary design.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Terrorism Discussion Question


Upper East Side Berlin: D