Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can You Die From An Underactive Thyroid

Dresden's new architecture

"A changing city"

One can hardly ignore it but it is currently being built very much in Dresden. There is much movement there is in the city. Numerous hotels, galleries and the Waldschlößchenbrücke occur within a very short time and change more and more the city. It is a problem. Many architectural trend does not always taste of the citizen.

When you hear the word of Dresden, one thinks immediately of the Baroque. But, if you look at the new style noted that nothing is left, what is both true, as we move with the times and not in the past remain. On the other hand, falls on the negative fact that more and more concrete squares are put out and particularly in the center, in practice, where most tourists stay. The most famous model was the concrete wilderness of the post space.

The goal was to "make the kennel with no competition, but rather complement the historic baroque architecture with modern architecture." Whether the Kennel added to the cube really is more than questionable.

But there are also pleasant trends, such as the construction of lofts with huge windows. This concept is now also used in gyms and renovated buildings.

An often forgotten cause remains the residential landscape and the slopes above the Elbe, the Dresden make it unique.

Anyone interested in the new architecture of this city, which would be wonderful website recommended. The site offers information and images include the time demolition of 20 th century to contemporary design.


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