Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Cant I Connect To Poptropica's Database

"I make your bed tomorrow"

I did it! No, not what you're thinking probably. Haha. I fliegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!! I have just posted. Spontaneously ... and please call me crazy. I know I have a claim. Five weeks to go back to Namibia. "It is worth NOT "," And the money ?",... Yes, it may not be worth altogether. But I am damn damn. The money ... I love to spare, but for what? What I save the money if I did not use to get my feelings back on its feet.
crap, I cry just because a flight ??!?!??!?!
I know that the next few weeks will mean more as a stress for me, but I have in my entire life has never been so longs as since September. It is too early, I should have waited a year but I need the kids, pop, Martiens NOW! I want to heal my heart now. I want to get up in the morning, feel the sun, listening to the children and house mothers. Going to the office, say Pop hear: "Goeiemore Jessica, het jou lekka geslaapt?" And I say, "Goeiemore Pop, het ek. Dankie. Hoe gaan dit met jou vandag? "I want to have breakfast in the kitchen, listen to how or Otilie Gerda" Hare cry, hare, and then see a child at a time, a bowl or Mieliepap Bread crumbs collect. I would finally shout "study time" and I am angry that the kids again not the simplest tasks. I want to laugh, play, watch bounce. And if there are only five weeks, I would like at this time again, my thirty children. I am pleased and I do not give a damn what you might think. But my heart is somehow partly stayed down. I return "home" and above all I go back to a place where I feel I will gebraucht und ich kann helfen.

Ich lebe hier und versteht mich nicht falsch. Ich will hier gar nicht unbedingt weg, nur möchte ich auch nicht so weit weg von den Kids sein. Mein Traum nach Afrika war es, die Welt zu entdecken. Das will ich noch immer, aber hier in der Uni lerne ich nur Theorie... bis zu meinen praktischen Schulwochen vergehen noch ein paar Monate. Was mein Herz jetzt braucht, ist aber Praxis. Die Nähe zum Beruf, zu Kindern, zum sinnvollen Aufstehen... Wofür studiere ich, wenn ich so lange warten muss, bis ich es anwenden darf? Es sind nur fünf Wochen und, auch wenn es mir unendlich schwerfallen wird, ich komme zurück, um hier weiter zu lernen. Für the children, for me, for my (African) future.

The posting motivated me just to do my university tasks for me and for the kids! It cheers me on in such a stressful time!
I am just ... and it would be nice if you would rejoice you, even if you do not understand me you can ...

So, now I tarry with plenty of treats - and yearning tears in front of the TV before I write then in any case, nor the last minutes in politics.

Namibia, ek kom !!!!!! Since only three women had

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Want To Make A Custom Tech Deck



As so often, I notice that many "artists" in Dresden and probably just in other cities are starved or unimaginative. Looking at the term papers or graduate students at the exhibitions, it must ask itself seriously whether the 1 art at all, and 2 what does it mean to say or whether it wants to say anything at all.

It extends the range of poor through unimaginative and bland to the sick imagination. It has often feel that these people are looking sickly after something they can distinguish themselves. It's all right, what you find so to filter and without.

Where is because creativity and message that can reflect the one? Art usually reflects the thoughts and emotions of an artist the world or the time that prevails at the moment. Thus one can say, then, that most are simply over-saturated or are moved by nothing really. Often gives the impression that many do enjoy the fame to be something to what they are and maybe not try to justify as an obsessive artist.

A few examples of banality that come to mind spontaneously:

a man photographed weeks the content of organic garbage, simple graphical exercises (mostly squares and cubes) on individual leaves toilet paper, a long piece of Styrofoam glued to the wall, across vollgepinnt with flat gray tacks, a type that run over frogs and picks up parts of dead animals, then this aufklebt on a purple base and all that then, in a display case, adorned with a light chain, hang, a standing tractor, in which one can simply set inside.
From children's drawings and just plain ugly objects, never mind, is an often striking detail, the sexual organs. For example, a stuffed animal is easy to turn glued a huge vibrator. What is even more disappointing

however, is the fact that I have often seen also in some way:
"artists" steal everything, what you say or do, if it has a touch of creativity , t contains. This may be intellectual property in the form of thoughts and ideas as well as clothing styles or instruments of visualization. At the Academy of Fine Arts to steal even mice in the computer room.

course there are, without having to generalize do interesting and striking examples, but unfortunately they are represented in the minority, or only rarely. The criticism goes out to the listless mass, which contributes to the reputation of the city much.

Sound Blaster Live Spdif Cable

volunteers discrimination

At first I thought it was a former Fun-side America, probably as the time when Facebook is launched by, died long ago, but then I saw it actually and even in German.


Komment: Those who volunteered to places and can judge whether he is attractive or not, must also cope so when the press often between 1-3 people. (For people with low self-confidence that is an anti-booster.)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Silver City Ottawa Imax Seats

vs Uni. Holiday

Weeks off and hey presto they are gone already. Where is the time?
Well, .. The holidays were nice. No matter where I was. Bonn, Tirol, Brandenburg, Hamburg, ... Everything was great. Namibia would have been great. Anyway ... now I'm back in Kassel - also great when I leave out the university. It makes me currently done, or I myself think it was really just too much this semester. I have no idea how to do it - be honest: I do not really matter. Since
Tirol are my thoughts again greatly increased in southern Africa and the longing is still growing day by day. I did not know that women feel such an urge can. However - and this is something I simply must tell me! - I am currently living here!
The next trip to the south is in the planning and I can not wait.

Today I once again skipped college. For that I jazzed up my apartment something (finally stick all the postcards on the wall), then tomorrow I want to Ikea to still get a few things. My current motto: The more comfortable I feel here, the less I want to leave.
What my friends here are concerned, I would not necessarily gone. Since yesterday we are reunited and it feels good to not be alone every night. Last night it went to the sports drink into the unit still Xallos New Year cocktails, cooking for us tonight Lea ... The unifreie time goes so well on, as they had left off last year.

nice less is my cold. It is better, but it is still annoying. But what I write here again ... I had better go to work in college to another task!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Glucose Meter Test Strips Butterfly


Mir's an interesting article / study, with respect to social justice in industrial countries have noticed.
Germany in 15th place.
