Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Silver City Ottawa Imax Seats

vs Uni. Holiday

Weeks off and hey presto they are gone already. Where is the time?
Well, .. The holidays were nice. No matter where I was. Bonn, Tirol, Brandenburg, Hamburg, ... Everything was great. Namibia would have been great. Anyway ... now I'm back in Kassel - also great when I leave out the university. It makes me currently done, or I myself think it was really just too much this semester. I have no idea how to do it - be honest: I do not really matter. Since
Tirol are my thoughts again greatly increased in southern Africa and the longing is still growing day by day. I did not know that women feel such an urge can. However - and this is something I simply must tell me! - I am currently living here!
The next trip to the south is in the planning and I can not wait.

Today I once again skipped college. For that I jazzed up my apartment something (finally stick all the postcards on the wall), then tomorrow I want to Ikea to still get a few things. My current motto: The more comfortable I feel here, the less I want to leave.
What my friends here are concerned, I would not necessarily gone. Since yesterday we are reunited and it feels good to not be alone every night. Last night it went to the sports drink into the unit still Xallos New Year cocktails, cooking for us tonight Lea ... The unifreie time goes so well on, as they had left off last year.

nice less is my cold. It is better, but it is still annoying. But what I write here again ... I had better go to work in college to another task!


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