Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Want To Make A Custom Tech Deck



As so often, I notice that many "artists" in Dresden and probably just in other cities are starved or unimaginative. Looking at the term papers or graduate students at the exhibitions, it must ask itself seriously whether the 1 art at all, and 2 what does it mean to say or whether it wants to say anything at all.

It extends the range of poor through unimaginative and bland to the sick imagination. It has often feel that these people are looking sickly after something they can distinguish themselves. It's all right, what you find so to filter and without.

Where is because creativity and message that can reflect the one? Art usually reflects the thoughts and emotions of an artist the world or the time that prevails at the moment. Thus one can say, then, that most are simply over-saturated or are moved by nothing really. Often gives the impression that many do enjoy the fame to be something to what they are and maybe not try to justify as an obsessive artist.

A few examples of banality that come to mind spontaneously:

a man photographed weeks the content of organic garbage, simple graphical exercises (mostly squares and cubes) on individual leaves toilet paper, a long piece of Styrofoam glued to the wall, across vollgepinnt with flat gray tacks, a type that run over frogs and picks up parts of dead animals, then this aufklebt on a purple base and all that then, in a display case, adorned with a light chain, hang, a standing tractor, in which one can simply set inside.
From children's drawings and just plain ugly objects, never mind, is an often striking detail, the sexual organs. For example, a stuffed animal is easy to turn glued a huge vibrator. What is even more disappointing

however, is the fact that I have often seen also in some way:
"artists" steal everything, what you say or do, if it has a touch of creativity , t contains. This may be intellectual property in the form of thoughts and ideas as well as clothing styles or instruments of visualization. At the Academy of Fine Arts to steal even mice in the computer room.

course there are, without having to generalize do interesting and striking examples, but unfortunately they are represented in the minority, or only rarely. The criticism goes out to the listless mass, which contributes to the reputation of the city much.


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