Monday, December 6, 2010

Lights Around My Philips Tv

Ulm \u0026lt;3

Since the university but currently not very exciting, I was the weekend in my hometown. And what can I say? It was absolutely beautiful!
On Friday, shortly after the stress with my neighbor did it by carpooling to the south. Only three hours later I stood at the main station, there to wait for my sweet. They came on time and on the train from Augsburg. Somehow it was still strange to see us again soon, a'ight? ;) The Knese (bus company) we set in the small village where we were then already provided by Miller's parents with pizza. It was unbelievable for a year not to have been there. After much talkin, we went to bed, finally we had to get out Saturday morning. Saturday morning my alarm clock rang
, desire to get up but we both had very little, so we were happy about it but, Marlit that only arrived about two hours later in Ulm. We were able to sleep an hour longer, until we were picked up at the main station and Kathrin Claudia. We normally had breakfast and came later on the main station as settled. But already there were the two Tyrolean and I could hold three months finally back in my arms. Of course it was Topic No. 1: Namibia! Way too much we miss all our kiddies and the simple life, but we try as best we can, take in Europe back foot. An hour later came Marlit and we were four reunited. The five of us headed to the Henry's in order to eat breakfast properly. Afterwards, it finally went to the Christmas market, once again just short and into the cathedral, then again at the Christmas market and at the end again in a café. After 9 hours together it was called then take leave again. For the Tyrolean and I'm at least for the foreseeable future, in three weeks, I namely, in beautiful Austria.
gathered on Saturday evening, we then after a few communication difficulties Shugo. With him, we went home, watch TV or eat a snack, and off to bed.
Sunday we drove to the breakfast sleigh. Exactly at the sports complex where I used to be with my parents. It was really fun again. His child is just great. After the sport gave it food and then we went and again at the Christmas market, where we met with Kuwa and surprisingly Nats. Until my departure, we spent the afternoon on the market and enjoys the hours together.
in time by 19 clock it was for me back then, so I because of the weather to 11:30 in the evening arrived.

The weekend did really well and has been worth it. Now there are only two weeks before I am already back on the next Travel'm doing. I'm happy because, as written above, the university is currently not so exciting.
would much prefer it to me, however (and I say this with great longing) when I could to Namibia. I miss Martiens, the sun, my kids, pop, ... but still strong. The weekend in Ulm has made me realize that we (Marti and I) need a solution. I regret to me, at least until tomorrow to take care of my first paper before I can worry about whether such a relationship makes sense at all.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can You Die From An Underactive Thyroid

Dresden's new architecture

"A changing city"

One can hardly ignore it but it is currently being built very much in Dresden. There is much movement there is in the city. Numerous hotels, galleries and the Waldschlößchenbrücke occur within a very short time and change more and more the city. It is a problem. Many architectural trend does not always taste of the citizen.

When you hear the word of Dresden, one thinks immediately of the Baroque. But, if you look at the new style noted that nothing is left, what is both true, as we move with the times and not in the past remain. On the other hand, falls on the negative fact that more and more concrete squares are put out and particularly in the center, in practice, where most tourists stay. The most famous model was the concrete wilderness of the post space.

The goal was to "make the kennel with no competition, but rather complement the historic baroque architecture with modern architecture." Whether the Kennel added to the cube really is more than questionable.

But there are also pleasant trends, such as the construction of lofts with huge windows. This concept is now also used in gyms and renovated buildings.

An often forgotten cause remains the residential landscape and the slopes above the Elbe, the Dresden make it unique.

Anyone interested in the new architecture of this city, which would be wonderful website recommended. The site offers information and images include the time demolition of 20 th century to contemporary design.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Terrorism Discussion Question


Upper East Side Berlin: D

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Welcome Addresses For Church Programs


Instead of me with the Social Contract by Jean Jacques Rousseau (can it be that I do not ever gone through the short school I? -.-) Deal or at least make it an object of my papers and portfolios, I am concerned rather with the uploading of images.
was thinking, you see out my apartment, even if it is not designed ready etc.. Flur Küche Bad Wohnen Wohnen

So, enough pictures ... I am now really back to the French. Anyway, I should write a summary when I should not play the content. But the problem I had a week so I need: you noted that a handout is not a thesis paper in the sense, but a critical opinion of you.
I hate lecturers and tutors who have no idea of tasks. -.-

Oh and by the way: This is not a single snowflake. The only snow that existed here were 5 minutes long on Wednesday evening ...

Friday, November 26, 2010

What Todo To Improve Scalp

Blade Trinity

Absolut geile film locations, Hammer camera operator, actor, and pretty cool soundtrack ( However, the act remains in the background).

Conclusion: Stylistically very cool.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cystic Fibrosis Mucus In Throat

Humba ....

morning begins the Christmas market here in Kassel! Great, right? But actually there is another reason why I write again a record, the last one was too stupid, so now a lengthy entry on the current situation in Ks

University : Well .... viiiiiel do. At 26 hours per week, no miracle. I had to choose, too, is material on both subjects, the most (read) offer substance. Every week I must therefore read at least 200 pages, it was a novel, that would be no problem, but political science texts are really only ... . To read the entire course are the weekly homework, such as logs, lectures, or thesis papers. At the end of the semester I will have five papers and exams behind me. Where we discuss Studis at least in political science nor with the teachers, because our study regulation requires a lot less. Wait for mid-January by the way someone has to remind me that I am applying for the exams!

Sports Mondays I always go three hours to high school sports. First, about the football, which is just great. Then it is volleyball, which also experiences the WG. So then we make four sports together. :) Actually I wanted to start a club Fussell and regularly go for a swim, but so far I've only made once. From next week I'll try really regularly for club and swimming to go. Would look like this:
- Monday: High school sports
- Wednesday: Swimming
- Friday: Club Sports

friends : Yes, the WG is again an integral part of my local life. Actually, we see ourselves every day, either in the cafeteria or in the evening playing cards, etc. . From Monday to Thursday I had then also visit Jenny. It was really nice, we did eat much / and had great fun. Wednesday as we were with the girls at Running Sushi and evening, Adriana was then still in the process we went drinking cocktails. "Touch down" or "Sex on the beach" it did to me. Thursday, Jenny was gone again, unfortunately, there was the ultimate, best university party of the year, namely: TRAM-PARTY. It really was the best party that I have long had. For two hours we took the 4 of Kassel. The tram was decorated, there was loud music and cowards for one euro. WG and I had our own alcohol but there -> WOMP. It was really totally delicious, just a pity that the P was missing. By the way, we met a few people better. Usually follows the tram to the visit to one of the clubs, but this was two of us no longer in a position (names are not named for security reasons: P) so we're just gone home. But ... the next party is coming!

budget: The apartment is almost finished, missing is still the Sink, but I'm already in the bathroom with the wash resigned. I think this just does not pay a professional craftsman and I can not. Otherwise, even small things are missing, but will emerge over the next four or five years.

December view: I miss some people, I've decided my next few weekends and free time to good use, in this case my plans for the great December
- weekend trip to the Ulm Christmas Market
- Weekend trip to Göttingen
(?) - one week
Bonn - a week
Tirol - Feuerzangenbowle (Uni-Party)
- Nikolaus (educational tutorial on the fairy tale Christmas market)
- Secret Santa with the WG

Friday, November 5, 2010

Online Doujinishi Dbz


This is such a mess! Thus, the
will never do with internet, phone and sink ... Thanks to a lot of amazing non-cooperative and flexible people!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Doppler-guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation

accounting programs

Of the three most common programs - Datev, Lexware, SAP - the user experience is clearly at Lexware.

Below my TOP 3:

1. Lexware
second SAP
third Datev

PS: Datev has been the most complicated program I've ever touched. It is completely gray and is more suitable for qualified accountants, is working according to the situation for the average consumer Lexware or SAP recommended.

Swet 4كراك



Thursday, October 14, 2010

Virtual Tech Deck Games

O Vertigo

Deeply impressed and shocked by the most beautiful art experience I have ever had ...

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's Safe To Buy Alibaba

St. Petersburg

"nostalgia for the faded city"

... in the first two days, I wanted to go home ... in the last three I did not want to leave ...

one unit in the networks of this city, I will not go anymore.
For this is the cultural capital of Russia known.

impressed by the variety of cuisine and the thousands of 24-hour shops felt I am at home.
A noise of millions of existing Shoeshops is addictive and seduces not only the shopping victims, but also the ones to do so.
The same with the selection of cigarettes Although I am not a smoker, I was wondering seriously after five minutes standing in line at a kiosk if I should not smoke again.
selection is all the talking. Of restaurants, of ideas, everything. If one has the money, you get everything.
Some were with the Choice at all overburdened.

emotions. Rich and poor. Young and ill. Real. Dangerous. But above all the friendly maxim. As beautiful as it goes.
A mass of talent.

Dazzling nightlife.

This was the beginning of anything as enticing ... Despite Western-European architecture, there are many old, before-the-way-houses ailing, irritate some a little ... According to some residents, the city during the day even with a depressive character. Off many a poet was killed in this city. (Pushkin, Yesenin, Dostoevsky)
But she combined all the love for her.

If anyone expects a second Paris, is there on the wrong track. St. Petersburg is certainly a beautiful city, not by the courts once in tsarist completely, but what makes this city so is the inner beauty.
The soul and the spirit that carries them. It is simply absorbed.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Gold Plated Pistol For Sale

Special feelings

Would like to recall my thoughts and notes about Paris, Barcelona and Riga ... Anyway, St Petersburg is coming!

Monday, September 13, 2010

How Accuraye Is A Three Month Hiv Test?

MTV VMAs 2010

Just blown away by the most fantastic stage I have ever seen. Creativity Exceeds the limit. Wonderful concept of colors and pictures, especially in a combination with performances of Kanye West, Usher, Eminem and Florence.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Can I Run My Iphone From The Computer Screen

What ...

I noticed that I as a child with a little monkey was photographed .. probably was something Postsovjetisches x)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cruising Toilets In Pretoria

Decided on LJ

After a rather sleepless night, but insightful, but I have now decided against Twitter.

Despite interesting Tweeps (usually known people), similar to most normal users an emotional messages by spam. I know that arose in the blogging culture, as some truth, but who cares for the virtual trash, where you can enter just 140 characters?

And what happens to it in a few years?

A study says that the benefit of Facebook makes a rather clever (through the training of working memory), while Twitter more likely to achieve the opposite.

Well, tweets are interesting nevertheless. As mentioned above, when most of famous people or politicians. So I've noticed that the micro-blog of Lady Gaga are much more interesting than that of Britney Spears, even though both refer to the ranking.

short the current ranking:

After Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Ashton Kutcher Barack Obama is ranked 4th (?)

A nice blog also comes from the Russian president, direct from the Kremlin.

Instead, the Twitter account of Angela Merkel hard to find, at least the real ... In the pile of fake accounts on Angie (? Why are German politicians ridiculed more often?) I found him still, this was not updated since the summer ...

Twitter or not, some find it important, some rather less, for as to tell me that LJ is an alternative.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Darth Vader Mask Template

Day 32: Absolute nothing

As the title suggests, I have absolutely nothing to report about this day. I have him sleep eating, and watching movies and spending again collected for Enoshima Kraf to surf one last time to give really good at everything.

are no photos this time. Not even the food ...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Age Of Empires 2.0a Nocd

Day 31: Yamanashi

Even though I'm still a bit cold, I am quite comfortable on dn path made to visit Yamanashi.
Or to look at something in Yamanashi? Who knows.

the beginning of my journey into the Japanese mountains, I thought, it will certainly intersting.

I had to change trains several times (because I unfortunately do not I went to Shinjuku and took the faster train from there - but I did not ...) So I

rumgegurkt from 9:30 to 12:45 with the Local and never imagined the landscape viewed ...

Some Stationan we gmacht slightly longer stops. Because all I could make some nice photos ^ ^

was the thing here I think in Takao. I'm assuming that it represents a Tengu .

Okay, I can not read much, but some stations have such funny names like "monkey bridge" or "mountain pear".

and everywhere these educational warnings ^ ^

simply divine! But seriously. I think we should import at least half of all Japanese signs here. I mean ... for us but already there s no smoking signs, but no pig size: turn themselves. I'm still hopeful that it would change with such explanations, at least minimally cute ...
If this does not help, I need to continue to hold with Lily on the platform next to smokers, before I even got fed up and people take away the ciggy and berate them.

Sun .. come here to reassure Japanese landscape and so ...

At last I arrived in Yamanashi. Has indeed taken a long time.

After I had left the station, I've put myself first for a local map. Actually I knew did not really know what exactly I should be here. Bärbl had only asked me to go in her place after Yamanashi and to send her a postcard. Since I suspected that it had to have something to do with Shinnyo-En . Since this is part of Buddhism, I was looking for temples in the vicinity (the swastika on the cards ...)

Then I just went to that was the closest I lazy pig ... There was

admire it again some beautiful statues (and a dog!)
hir I think this is Amida. About Anton eyed and beaten biscuits or waiting *

Because otherwise dead pants were there, I'm just zillos gelatscht through the area.
As I shuffled so and ate an Onigiri, came to an old woman accosted me in Japanese. I had cht NULL idea what exactly they wanted from me. I was able to attach not go? Or I was not allowed on the grade crossing level crossing ? Go But the other did but also ...?! I told her that I enicht si so very understanding and she has continued getottert TT__TT
... Then I just went past her and she did complain ignored. But I was scared the whole thing a bit ... especially that I really understood by the nüscht did what they said. Maybe it took me so well dressed just stupid, because I'm gaijin ... who knows.

I then made a Kleinn, dilapidated shrine picked up and taken photos. I will show here now but not höhö ... this is my little darling. I really liked this place. There was a miniature shrine in there with old, dusty figures. Foxes and goddesses, fairy tales and myths illustrations. This is such a place where one could well imagine that at night there begins to haunt and drive the Obake and Yokai havoc. XD My last trip

was a solitary little shop, where many were sold pretty cheap. I'm da ne apron, put on something for Lily to and trinkets (key chains, cuffs, etc.) purchased.

Then I'm back to the station and in the direction of Tokyo. at one of the stations I had another hour stay came to an express train and I comfortably could go home. At the station sat next to me on the bench a German Päärchen late twenties. He strained reading a guide to the Japanese story and tried to come to terms with the heat XDDD

When I arrived home, I have again attacked the Combine and then I go to bed pretty early.
combine Ahhhh ~ \u0026lt;3

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Make Cells Out Of Jello And Candy

Day 30: Koenji Awa Odori Hanazono &

joah, so I still have the morning ganzn used to regenerate me ...

The sore throat and cough from yesterday, came today to nasal congestion, but which from time to run away from you ... great cinema .... But as I

yesterday because of my physical Unbewglichkeit already the Asakusa Samba Festival * sniff * I missed, I did not want to rush the Koenji Awa Odori also. and since it was Sunday, was in Shinjuku the flea market in the Hanazono Shrine ... so very close .... 2 birds with one swat!

Wei rwähnt I needed already but to rouse the afternoon round and loszugehen. ALso at 15:30 am I going ... and eigendlich was around 16:00 in Shinjuku.

But I already told of Shinjuku ... I hate it! Meanwhile, I hate it. Shibuya, Okay. Harajuku, Okay. Shinjuku, AAAAAAAARGH!

I had rummrennen then after 20 minutes the Hanazono found ... at last.

But too late ... it was already dismantled.

For those who were still there, I could also see yet. who had patience with me ^ ^

the end, it had its good side, I was late ... I would once again become poor there. Lack shots, tea bowls ... hach ja ...


window of a fugu restaurant ... you can probably choose to be there own dinner? As long as the fish I did not even say welchr part of him he told me mpfehlen would, everything is in the green-yellow enriches ...

those who did not knew it was here even know sooooo big black (and red) on

this shop I find cool ... somehow ...

I like the green from the Cello Case ...

So, then I am for Awa Odori ( Koenji Station )

But when I arrived it was already packed ...
Dswegen I first photographed two cool dudes ... (what a reason -___-)

eigendlich So I find just the right cool ... and that the clothes ^ ^ The combination genitiös is easy! \u0026lt;3

in the streets there were wiedr masses of stalls with all sorts of stuff. Dining, turtles ...
As you do not believe me? See for yourself:

Poor ... TT__TT

tasty kebabs and beer (in the yellow shirt nebenbei. .. that's a boy ... I'm jealous irgndwie ..)

chocolate banana

cucumber on a skewer (if you encounter Kappa XD)

light stuff ...


I must admit, the dance spectacle itself, I've seen nothing as good ... In Sendai
I had just pig. Sendai is not Tokyo ... less people!

The s was unfortunately. There are too many MENSCHNER were there and I was quite a bit struck by the common cold ...

I've then moved to the somewhat ruhigren side streets and could not believe when I clock at eight in the evening in front of an open vintage shop (second hand) was, who had also Summer Sale ... is to take it? Summer Gorge Otten all set down 70%! talk to the 3-5 €! WOHOOOO! Okay ... I've
snowed for 20 €.

The shop was called ZOOL I think ... zumindst or something like that.
Ah got it. HERE

I continued and not 50 yards later, I stood before the next load ... only better ..
Treasure Factory

There was quite expensive stuff but I've got a lot veeery Zeuch for under 500yen found some 100 or 250 yen!
I am then again losgworden 4.000yn, but I've also n large bag of clothes dragged back home ^ ^

currently know I silently did not know how all this is to get in the box, I will send them home ...
Not to have two ago ...

But the Japanese Klaotten are just too great! (Even if Japanese Waschmashienen are stupid and I do not know the white at all their clothes get clean?)

So, that's it. Has a cold but non runtergzogen pretty. fallen in with a headache to bed ...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Want To Send A Sorry Card To My Husband

Day 29: the day after the surfing ...

Or "ahhhhhhrgghhhhh ... cough .... ächtz"

Yes ... what do you think?

believe to surf four hours at one go sprulos over?

1) Musklkater
2) sunburn in Gsicht (but only slightly)
3) Air conditioning + = cold wet towels

Vrspannungen in my back are still there and I'm also tired XDD
But it was worth it! Would I make every time again!

so against the cold, have I tried to do something ... onion juice! Haha!

Ichhab also vil slept or watched movies and blog entries written ...

And miso soup slurped!

yes, that's it ...

Since you need now to drain well ... no comment XDD

Alcohol Pulmonary Hypertension

Day 28: Part 2 Enoshima

I stood most of the time on that day in the water, desperately trying to catch a wave or have slept, I see there are not sooo much.

A handful of photos I've yet made.

am Yesterday I went to bed early eigendlich to be rested. But my night was rather modest.
1) I was aufgergt ... Here it difficult to sleep well
2) Kaoru my night to three at once hungry and thirsty and have to demenstsprechend threw a microwave and kettle on.
3) Morgends by 6 was finally bed time for Kaoru ... ie last Toilettngang and brush your teeth announced.

Then I got up ... was always asleep yet more. Then I made myself ready, and because more time was an entry written ... or at least begun.
At 7:00 am I going and cruel way, of course, are the commuter traffic in ... that is 2 hours ... After a

ed Bull I felt a little better, but I saw ... really nice from the wind said ....

I was an hour too early, here come the photos.

Na? What is it? No temple, no restaurant .. It is a railway station! Katase Enoshima Station-sen Odakyuu!
If our stops sometimes so cool would look like ...

Sooo, after that I am at the store I've already mentioned yesterday

through the back door ...

And was greeted by the minimal English-speaking types. He introduced me to my Sensei for today ... with the words "may as English" XDD

There are two young men were there who wanted to surf, too. For all of us it was the first time, so there was a video introduction.
were then given and Neos and moved.
10 minutes Fußwg with boards to the beach (extra deferred FÜ surf schools)

and then it went off.
Well, since I had locked my camera, gives them no photos today ... Muharhar ...

The beginning was not so easy, but easier than with surfing I found.
The boards are lighter and smaller. What now, but probably no one should be surprised ... and we had no sail.
So no weight to heave and hold still while desperately trying not to lose the weight Glich.

surfing is roughly seen in:
a wait) to have a real shaft (not invariably the highest)
2) the timing right then un again lay board and paddle as fast as you can ...
3) the right moment and NEN good lie was up (ie get up from lying)
Stay on channel 4) and (or at least first try XD)

in the 2 hours we have practiced the paddle and because we are lame Ducks are we getting a shove from the Sensei.

We had very little waves, but they were good for beginners Sun Sensei then called at the right moment "Tatt" (get up) and everything worked moderately well. In between I
've always wanted chatted mitdem Sensei (he also wanted time to time to Germany - as all Japanese XD)

Irgndwann he said, "ahhhh, I have not even properly introduced myself ... My name is Shota."

YAY! Sensei now had a name. XP was
And Shota-kun from now, since it is apparently not too comfortable with the Sensei felt. It embarrassed him.

after the 2 hours I was already pretty geschlaucht, but pretty happy.

boards back grinding, Neo undress, wash, shower, move ...
And then it came to the decision whether or not upgrade to 6 hours of surfing.
Ts, as if there were any questions open. Of course I wanted to continue.
And I had Fortuna on my side, for there was still room in the afternoon class for me.

ALso I went to the beach and planted me 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.: 30 in the shade, schnabbulierte my lunch, drank and tried to get Align the ne ... nap in the shade!

I übrigends again heard some young people wonder about me ...
I looked for Japanese standards not exactly beach Reif. Japanese / inside all look here nich, as they do to the beach, but in the disco! The girls are styled thick makeup and perfect ... just like the guys (okay, that have less Make-up in the face)
And then posed for photos or grekelt in the sun. Some play ball games (oh, funny peculiar, the melon is Pinjata - You have to break them with a lying blindfolded on the floor real melon)

go into the water, but very few, I have the feeling. It's more of a fashion show ... no wonder that ch as the time frame reflect fell.

foreigners, sleeping alone in the shadows and without bikini ... but I did not care less.

At a quarter to four I'll be (somewhat prematurely) Shota back to the store. It was only a student of others there, a 35-year-old, who's also the 2. times and made even minimal English language.
I still looked pretty Fertich and led me my 2nd Red Bull to. Sun protection cream I had also draufgeschmier fat, but it was just a whole lot because the sun ... there was a little sunburn on her face is not (and veeery light on the hands)
In the Neo you felt mittlrweile like a mobile sauna and the water was not much cooler than the air ... feel zumindst.

Welln were somewhat larger un handle it harder, but it had great fun. Shota and I have so much to talk about the recognition dr right wave, that it missed one or another chance to grab ne good wave.

I have spent almost two hours just watching the waves with dm, because I wanted to try it without throwing. I had to start to recall my Kalligraphiestunden.
half hours I've enjoyed it and rubbed ink and then I wrote a kanji.
It looks like we were.
Ten minutes ago I watched waves and then I grabbed a. Sometimes the wave was too big for me or am I paddled slowly, I'm too early, I could not stand up properly or I'm completely verifiable way that was basically lost weight.

is Funnily enough, the left leg back with me (For all others it was the other way) Well, hidden Linkshändrei how to eat, right? At dinner I am also left handed ... but otherwise non.

The last wave was similar for both lessons the best ... a great finish.
back then grind wiedr boards, take off Neo, wash, shower, move ... And the look out
nächstn date. Since I no longer had much time, but Shota sb day working there (he is still employed at a Andren surf school) we have for the 1.9. decided.

So that was four days TT__TT

wait So, now I was mean enough. I do have this Day is not done by photos surfn, but that at 1.9.! I zig you now for it. So that you at least a bissl was broadcast to you ^ ^

... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can not. Photobucket has now been 3 hours in the ass ... I rank the pictures by ...
[EDIT] Okay, wait for 7 Stunkel and try around a half hours because the SYSTHER there has always spun, went at last ...

so now photos! Haha!

is (kun-) Shota! In the back room of which I've XDD

erzält So, and here Trocknübung. The 3 most important steps:

1) Paddling

2) to make ready for, until such

3) rising

looks at slightly from country s in the water ... you have to s on it in couple of hours more or less ...

So? Happy now? I am also ^ ^

evening I returned home, dead tired but happy and I managed to finish it but tatsäclich to still look Unubore Deka (with Ikuta Toma) and only then isd land of dreams digress.

I like his funny faces ... XDDD

And yes, I realize that I have photographed the TV ... so what? * Tongue out * executing

And as always, do not forget Com!