Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Want To Send A Sorry Card To My Husband

Day 29: the day after the surfing ...

Or "ahhhhhhrgghhhhh ... cough .... ächtz"

Yes ... what do you think?

believe to surf four hours at one go sprulos over?

1) Musklkater
2) sunburn in Gsicht (but only slightly)
3) Air conditioning + = cold wet towels

Vrspannungen in my back are still there and I'm also tired XDD
But it was worth it! Would I make every time again!

so against the cold, have I tried to do something ... onion juice! Haha!

Ichhab also vil slept or watched movies and blog entries written ...

And miso soup slurped!

yes, that's it ...

Since you need now to drain well ... no comment XDD


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