Monday, August 30, 2010

Age Of Empires 2.0a Nocd

Day 31: Yamanashi

Even though I'm still a bit cold, I am quite comfortable on dn path made to visit Yamanashi.
Or to look at something in Yamanashi? Who knows.

the beginning of my journey into the Japanese mountains, I thought, it will certainly intersting.

I had to change trains several times (because I unfortunately do not I went to Shinjuku and took the faster train from there - but I did not ...) So I

rumgegurkt from 9:30 to 12:45 with the Local and never imagined the landscape viewed ...

Some Stationan we gmacht slightly longer stops. Because all I could make some nice photos ^ ^

was the thing here I think in Takao. I'm assuming that it represents a Tengu .

Okay, I can not read much, but some stations have such funny names like "monkey bridge" or "mountain pear".

and everywhere these educational warnings ^ ^

simply divine! But seriously. I think we should import at least half of all Japanese signs here. I mean ... for us but already there s no smoking signs, but no pig size: turn themselves. I'm still hopeful that it would change with such explanations, at least minimally cute ...
If this does not help, I need to continue to hold with Lily on the platform next to smokers, before I even got fed up and people take away the ciggy and berate them.

Sun .. come here to reassure Japanese landscape and so ...

At last I arrived in Yamanashi. Has indeed taken a long time.

After I had left the station, I've put myself first for a local map. Actually I knew did not really know what exactly I should be here. Bärbl had only asked me to go in her place after Yamanashi and to send her a postcard. Since I suspected that it had to have something to do with Shinnyo-En . Since this is part of Buddhism, I was looking for temples in the vicinity (the swastika on the cards ...)

Then I just went to that was the closest I lazy pig ... There was

admire it again some beautiful statues (and a dog!)
hir I think this is Amida. About Anton eyed and beaten biscuits or waiting *

Because otherwise dead pants were there, I'm just zillos gelatscht through the area.
As I shuffled so and ate an Onigiri, came to an old woman accosted me in Japanese. I had cht NULL idea what exactly they wanted from me. I was able to attach not go? Or I was not allowed on the grade crossing level crossing ? Go But the other did but also ...?! I told her that I enicht si so very understanding and she has continued getottert TT__TT
... Then I just went past her and she did complain ignored. But I was scared the whole thing a bit ... especially that I really understood by the nüscht did what they said. Maybe it took me so well dressed just stupid, because I'm gaijin ... who knows.

I then made a Kleinn, dilapidated shrine picked up and taken photos. I will show here now but not höhö ... this is my little darling. I really liked this place. There was a miniature shrine in there with old, dusty figures. Foxes and goddesses, fairy tales and myths illustrations. This is such a place where one could well imagine that at night there begins to haunt and drive the Obake and Yokai havoc. XD My last trip

was a solitary little shop, where many were sold pretty cheap. I'm da ne apron, put on something for Lily to and trinkets (key chains, cuffs, etc.) purchased.

Then I'm back to the station and in the direction of Tokyo. at one of the stations I had another hour stay came to an express train and I comfortably could go home. At the station sat next to me on the bench a German Päärchen late twenties. He strained reading a guide to the Japanese story and tried to come to terms with the heat XDDD

When I arrived home, I have again attacked the Combine and then I go to bed pretty early.
combine Ahhhh ~ \u0026lt;3


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