Saturday, August 28, 2010

Alcohol Pulmonary Hypertension

Day 28: Part 2 Enoshima

I stood most of the time on that day in the water, desperately trying to catch a wave or have slept, I see there are not sooo much.

A handful of photos I've yet made.

am Yesterday I went to bed early eigendlich to be rested. But my night was rather modest.
1) I was aufgergt ... Here it difficult to sleep well
2) Kaoru my night to three at once hungry and thirsty and have to demenstsprechend threw a microwave and kettle on.
3) Morgends by 6 was finally bed time for Kaoru ... ie last Toilettngang and brush your teeth announced.

Then I got up ... was always asleep yet more. Then I made myself ready, and because more time was an entry written ... or at least begun.
At 7:00 am I going and cruel way, of course, are the commuter traffic in ... that is 2 hours ... After a

ed Bull I felt a little better, but I saw ... really nice from the wind said ....

I was an hour too early, here come the photos.

Na? What is it? No temple, no restaurant .. It is a railway station! Katase Enoshima Station-sen Odakyuu!
If our stops sometimes so cool would look like ...

Sooo, after that I am at the store I've already mentioned yesterday

through the back door ...

And was greeted by the minimal English-speaking types. He introduced me to my Sensei for today ... with the words "may as English" XDD

There are two young men were there who wanted to surf, too. For all of us it was the first time, so there was a video introduction.
were then given and Neos and moved.
10 minutes Fußwg with boards to the beach (extra deferred FÜ surf schools)

and then it went off.
Well, since I had locked my camera, gives them no photos today ... Muharhar ...

The beginning was not so easy, but easier than with surfing I found.
The boards are lighter and smaller. What now, but probably no one should be surprised ... and we had no sail.
So no weight to heave and hold still while desperately trying not to lose the weight Glich.

surfing is roughly seen in:
a wait) to have a real shaft (not invariably the highest)
2) the timing right then un again lay board and paddle as fast as you can ...
3) the right moment and NEN good lie was up (ie get up from lying)
Stay on channel 4) and (or at least first try XD)

in the 2 hours we have practiced the paddle and because we are lame Ducks are we getting a shove from the Sensei.

We had very little waves, but they were good for beginners Sun Sensei then called at the right moment "Tatt" (get up) and everything worked moderately well. In between I
've always wanted chatted mitdem Sensei (he also wanted time to time to Germany - as all Japanese XD)

Irgndwann he said, "ahhhh, I have not even properly introduced myself ... My name is Shota."

YAY! Sensei now had a name. XP was
And Shota-kun from now, since it is apparently not too comfortable with the Sensei felt. It embarrassed him.

after the 2 hours I was already pretty geschlaucht, but pretty happy.

boards back grinding, Neo undress, wash, shower, move ...
And then it came to the decision whether or not upgrade to 6 hours of surfing.
Ts, as if there were any questions open. Of course I wanted to continue.
And I had Fortuna on my side, for there was still room in the afternoon class for me.

ALso I went to the beach and planted me 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.: 30 in the shade, schnabbulierte my lunch, drank and tried to get Align the ne ... nap in the shade!

I übrigends again heard some young people wonder about me ...
I looked for Japanese standards not exactly beach Reif. Japanese / inside all look here nich, as they do to the beach, but in the disco! The girls are styled thick makeup and perfect ... just like the guys (okay, that have less Make-up in the face)
And then posed for photos or grekelt in the sun. Some play ball games (oh, funny peculiar, the melon is Pinjata - You have to break them with a lying blindfolded on the floor real melon)

go into the water, but very few, I have the feeling. It's more of a fashion show ... no wonder that ch as the time frame reflect fell.

foreigners, sleeping alone in the shadows and without bikini ... but I did not care less.

At a quarter to four I'll be (somewhat prematurely) Shota back to the store. It was only a student of others there, a 35-year-old, who's also the 2. times and made even minimal English language.
I still looked pretty Fertich and led me my 2nd Red Bull to. Sun protection cream I had also draufgeschmier fat, but it was just a whole lot because the sun ... there was a little sunburn on her face is not (and veeery light on the hands)
In the Neo you felt mittlrweile like a mobile sauna and the water was not much cooler than the air ... feel zumindst.

Welln were somewhat larger un handle it harder, but it had great fun. Shota and I have so much to talk about the recognition dr right wave, that it missed one or another chance to grab ne good wave.

I have spent almost two hours just watching the waves with dm, because I wanted to try it without throwing. I had to start to recall my Kalligraphiestunden.
half hours I've enjoyed it and rubbed ink and then I wrote a kanji.
It looks like we were.
Ten minutes ago I watched waves and then I grabbed a. Sometimes the wave was too big for me or am I paddled slowly, I'm too early, I could not stand up properly or I'm completely verifiable way that was basically lost weight.

is Funnily enough, the left leg back with me (For all others it was the other way) Well, hidden Linkshändrei how to eat, right? At dinner I am also left handed ... but otherwise non.

The last wave was similar for both lessons the best ... a great finish.
back then grind wiedr boards, take off Neo, wash, shower, move ... And the look out
nächstn date. Since I no longer had much time, but Shota sb day working there (he is still employed at a Andren surf school) we have for the 1.9. decided.

So that was four days TT__TT

wait So, now I was mean enough. I do have this Day is not done by photos surfn, but that at 1.9.! I zig you now for it. So that you at least a bissl was broadcast to you ^ ^

... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can not. Photobucket has now been 3 hours in the ass ... I rank the pictures by ...
[EDIT] Okay, wait for 7 Stunkel and try around a half hours because the SYSTHER there has always spun, went at last ...

so now photos! Haha!

is (kun-) Shota! In the back room of which I've XDD

erzält So, and here Trocknübung. The 3 most important steps:

1) Paddling

2) to make ready for, until such

3) rising

looks at slightly from country s in the water ... you have to s on it in couple of hours more or less ...

So? Happy now? I am also ^ ^

evening I returned home, dead tired but happy and I managed to finish it but tatsäclich to still look Unubore Deka (with Ikuta Toma) and only then isd land of dreams digress.

I like his funny faces ... XDDD

And yes, I realize that I have photographed the TV ... so what? * Tongue out * executing

And as always, do not forget Com!


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