Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ac Adapter Nordictrack Audiostrider Voltage

Day 22: Ueno Koen

Ueno ... Or better
Ueno Koen ...
If you listen to Ueno, you immediately think of museums , Park and animals ...

And that's exactly it.
I have ntschlossen to today go to time in the Ueno Zoo, dr in the middle of Ueno park is located.

Al I bought mine map was übrigends erstma alarm go on the line and a minute later a Zooangestellte standing next to me ... I've tried that is with a 10,000 yen bill (about .100 € to pay). That is also eigendlich possible but not if the machine is considered the Wechselgld ... then he cries for help XDDD

Nachdm I min of interaction Selged dr GREEMENT nice lady did, I was able finally to the zoo ...

At the entrance to get rid of this statue ^ ^

As always welcomes tummln people before, I've just made a bid with them ^ ^ (Japanese kids are also cute!)

converging one should pick the best for last, but I'm also impatient and they were issued to begin the same: the red panda !

Because it was hot, they just lazy or rumgelegen slept. What comes out even on the same.

By the way, they were not there the only ones. Virtually all animals have done TT__TT

Some anscheind was too hot, who have chosen life, to be entirely absent. (Okay, that was a really bad joke, gomen ...)

Thank God was so many curious birds awake ... but relatively immobile.

There were really admire beautiful plants. Sometimes it is hidden in between give and bird aviaries.

and there were warning signs for all to understand ^ ^

free-running animals, there was also admired ... but I think also were sleeping XD

Then There Were first ne strengthening, the first meal of the day (at 12:00 clock). For 100 yen surprisingly large. Ice cream with melon taste! A great invention!

For those who are too lazy to walk, can also take a piece with a small train. By the way, since ma again to collect stamps XDDD

He was here alive, has bwegt and did not ship from the sun ... after all, staring directly inside.

erstma And that was a funny bird ma ... now seriously, the provides yet n already made bissl when he would not be real, right? Wei from prehistoric times and recreated ... but I've caught fish eat and be seen ...

here I found just the prospect of great ...

I mentioned already determined to disengage often that it is in Japan for everything automatically, right? Here is a Hägen Dazs machine ...

Then There Were more beautiful ponds with ducks and so ...

By the way ... it's really practical, so to have something on public toilets! How often I had Lily odr already strapped to the belly she carried on the arm, and have used a public toilet? Only rarely. and that because it is absolutely tough! Such a thing is there really a relief!

So, yes ... pagoda, pagoda containing ne.

I then strolled through yet dn rest of the park (not Zoo).
Here one finds the Tosho-gu Shrine . Since it was built in 1651 ... is missing a little something like this, or is in the Restaurationspahse, as seen here:

Then I'm still around ... we call it a slightly greater amount Pond ... rumgegangen.

... where you can drive swan boat. Since I was alone * sob * I've been through this stupid Päärchen non-gedöhns! Ugh! * Pout *

Well, dr rest of the day was it to go shopping in the nearby Ameyoko ... ... extensively to extensively!

But I warerstaunt and excited at the same time that I have found actually shoes for me. and they fit! A miracle has happened! For I have shoe size 39.5 ... say big boots for Japan.

Some stupas ... well, I have 3 pairs of me and a gegkauft Headdress, which combines perfectly with my new sun glasses ... Summer Sale is sooo terrible invention.

It costs everything so little abr buying so much. And then we spent at the end of the dopplte lot of money ...

So, around 17:30 clock and I thought then, a lot of light but should I even eat (except the ice) and I have the same law in Gyuudon restaurant, where I have 2 weeks to Katja and Julie was.

And then I bought more ... and that new foam covers for my headphones ... yay! The ausgenudelt
were really so.

And then I'm home ...

PS: Forgot your comments non!


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