Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pedicure Infection Swollen Toe

Day 18: Relax !!!!!

After Odawara and the Imperial Palace and Roppongi were rather not be so great - to say the least - I've decided for me that day to stay home.

First, I had animal discomfort in the shoulders and lack of sleep. On the other

made me to create the mosquito bites. There were really many and about ten Minnutes after getting up I decided to give me a long time despite heat to put on jeans ... for the simple reason myself from scratch to hold.

Sounds funny, but not isses ... * Pout *

So I wrote to about 15 o'clock blog entries and postcards ... I thought I should probably eat something.

Did I mention before, that we here simply do not get a Hungergfühl? I would now already 3 times almost folded because I had forgotten to eat. The first time
saved me a Konbini-Onigiri, the second time it was grape sugar, which I had borrowed from Kaoru and the en ... was still in my pocket.
The third time it was giant puffs of a Konbini (but I read about it yet ^ ^)

Well, I've dared myself to the door ... Kaoru had warned me that it seeeeeeehr hot is out.
And that was it!
On the way up to the minute Konbini I thought I get NEN heat stroke.
In that moment I was really glad that I've taken for that day ne time out.

Therefore there today, only those images of Japanese Food ... ie, my booty from the Konbini ^ ^


Mugicha tastes eigendlich something like that, like cold Muckefuck ...

n bissl watery ... was to be expected. Incidentally, with little sugar (for a wonderful japan!)

chocolate milk with a hint of orange flavor!
Really delicious! Besides the coconut
me so far the most delicious drink that I've tasted since I'm here. But in a small cup
costs 148yen is ... well, sometimes it is worth the price XD wiiiirklich delicious, the stuff, I will also in Germany!


my lunch (15:30 clock) cost about 3 €, was very tasty and versatile ^ ^
But as a German it is not quite enough of it xD
especially not when the all day has nothing gefuttert ...

gabs also why very soon supper:

Uhhhhh ~ Instant Ramen , really great. are a bit larger than in Germany, but also a bit expensive, I think taste (188yen) but also better than at home.
course, still no comparison to the ramen soup from a real shop ^ ^

So, you get this now non. More is also non happened. But ick times need a break.


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