Monday, August 23, 2010

Facial Rash Early Pregnancy

Kamakura Day 23: Shinjuku LIVE

or "6 hours ..."
Or "all one set up in a row"
Or "because of Japanese women are sweet!"
Or " if that would have caught me, would probably lynch me "

Well, whether or not I write this entry for the first time after he hung
why. I always lose a few days the desire to write the entry again ... but then I forget my impressions ... narf.

So I force myself now again. And although I would schauhen
1) much rather have a Fim with Oguri Shun (or alternatively a series Gegege no Kitarou)
2) I'm grad from Enoshima dvollgesandet un
'm dying 3) are on my shoulders now
4) my eyes are held open by matchsticks ... because my contact lenses are out again .. uh.

Okay okay, I hear yes already complaining to * always * happy to accept bribes

************************************* **************************************************

Sunday ... what could probably do on a Sunday? In Tokyo? Puhhh no plan ... XD * lying! *

I am simply at Julia's plan and have kept me on a Sunday afternoon (11:15 clock time) made their way into the packed trains of Yamanote-sen to Shinjuku.

far, Sogut. Arriving on track in Shinjuku: 11: 55 clock.
The plan that I still had 65 minutes ... to the Holiday Club in Shinjuku to find.

Here are the directions of the club:

Well .... not eigendlich soooo far away from the station, right? But this is Shinjuku. and I ar not often Shinjukuuuu ~ * mysterious music plays **
duduh ~
It had warned me ... it was ne torment to find first NEN output ... at the right side out ... Duration: 15 minutes

at the output: left odr right? or straight ahead? Eh, ask ... ... realizing that one nu at the output, but is not in the right ... once lost around half the building ... and 2 large Streets ...

Explains me too anyone know what is going on with Don Quixote about? had told me that the people namely mehrmas when I asked her, I wolang ...

always the windmill after? rather non.

Well, after asking 3 times or so, I came ggend quarter to one at last to where I was going. To a "stuff-we-so many comic-strip-as-we-can-in-a-cellar" event! Wohoooo ~

[caching!] Wohooo ~ so I write the non-one on the entry again must ..

Well, after I paid 600 yen entrance fee, which some 6 € , I have a booklet with lots of flyers Visual Kei bands and get a ticket for a free drink had, I went in in a small underground cellar.

My program übrigends saw this:

8 / 22 (日) サファイア ミュージック エンタープライズ Presents ~ Free Admission "无 料 LIVE" ~ Vol.7

anti-ClockwizE / Va-Len -Shia / 大蛇 丸 / Ocelot / Gadeath Symphonia / Golbeza / Maazu the / SCREAM / killing frenzy quiet angel who destroyed 絶美 super hot, "Lady Mary" / Misery Desire / Lethal / Limit / LIPHLICH

Has Secrets OPEN 12:30 / START 13:00 Admission free (Drink a separate fee)

So, wer einiges nicht can read, do not worry ... I can find that is not XDDD

The bold print the names of the bands that have occurred.
What I might still gefundn nice would be if the bands would have occurred in exactly the order ... they are not.
And do not all have to vogstellt ... so I really ultimately non-NEN plan of who was who.

In between I've tried to make notes (and photos, but it is banned ... so I've hardly made good ... TT__TT) but there were really many bands (14 or so?)

I was hopelessly lost at some point in my scribbles ...

So, here are some photos ... and I also try to write to wr it was, if I may:

Okay ... ähhm, diesr young man could ... .. Maria have been Sama. but since I rate only. He had a (we call it) extremely Bühnnshow. With Messrn and glow sticks. He had written on his cheeks, the kanji for death and murder, trying constantly to somehow reach the high C. But he failed miserably.

He wore hot pants and striped socks übrigends up to the knees.

'm okay, again looked on the internet ... it was really Mariasama (better said 超绝 美人 静寂 狂乱 杀戮 破 壊 性欲 天使 "マリア 様)
Who a little insight into his skills ... would have ..., for which I've found something on youtube . But it's not what he showed in my performance ...

So, this band is here nnnt anti-ClockwiZe . One of the better and better aussehendn bands. (1 of 3)

of me up here übrigends angstarrt always so angry. I guess because I'm up to that quite frankly made photos (which I was banned after its appearance.)

I then Tues photos imme rheimlich made by the Kamra I covered with my scarf and my arm .. . so if one should even be on it with both of ... shit happens.

So, here where I'm almost sure that this was SCREAM ...
hmmm, why? XDDD

This was a Covrband, who believe themselves SAMAAZU ... I called that I was allowed to non-times afterwards, when they are gelatscht through the ranks of fans (hour after they occur) is still not Take pictures. tse, visual acuity are soooo concerned about her appearance ....

it here for that matter. I had to make Foo six times until he was satisfied with it .... um, I'm sure nothing around, but I think he called himself Rai or so ... and I think he was one of Misery Desire ... um, this is now, but only advised.

They were funny. They are Gadeath Symphonia . The guy in purple is the drummer and his birthday. So there was tinsel, a tartlet of fans chanting, and a general ...
the way, was the number 2 slightly better bands (of 3)

was here prettier than most women in the audience!

Ähhhhm ... limit? no idea ... a lot of light is much more light, not too ...

So, that's unfortunately with photos.
I could not make all the photographs, because I as I said, not eigendlich allowed.
between, have besieged Fangirls also the stage, so I was not enough naha ...

Volume number 3 of the way, were better LIPHLICH . They had pretty nice even ne eingrichtete stage. Reminded me a bit mixed in a living room with a bar .. höhö ... unfortunately no photos ...

And that was the last band that I've reingzogen me. After all, was
(was Start 13:00!) It already 19:00 and I had more keinn Bock to stand, I was hungry and thirsty and I did not have tired of the Fangirls. The

behave decent and although it was hardly gdrängel and all, but it is a truly on his nerves, when one looks for NEN place on the stage and tell the aunts one every few minutes, they should go away, because they have enough room here during the performance of their favorite bands 2587495 want to perfect their choreographed Choreography with 10 man (woman) wants to make them properly ... Gnarf.

So do ch hööööchstwahrscheinlich a band not seen max second .. well, non soooo wild XD

I still have a Plek found and hate-filled eyes harvested for it. and then I'm ready to hiss.

[EDIT] At the request of Julia do I have the pictures inside of the bands, I bought wi ... but I have no idea who wr ...

Commission forgotten your non ^ ^


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