Sunday, August 15, 2010

How Long Can You Live With Kidney Falilure?

Day 16: Odawara

... or, "Why can not surf in Odawara,"

Well, I wanted to igndlich Odawara, because I have read in a forum for surf, surf that well there and boards can borrow ...
And then I thought it would be nice too, there diving.

"Enoura, a coastal district in Odawara, is known for its unpolluted sea and the wealth of Kumamomi , a species that prefers clear and clean water. sea turtles are found as well. Because of the clear water and rich marine life, it is popular with divers "

. Source: Wikipedia

And I thought, if s Maybe you see a castle there, I can also look the same yet.

So I drove off ... morning at eight in the direction of Odawara

Okay, the time that you can see here is if you take the Shinkansen ... I used the local ( stops at every station) and had thus an hour longer needed.
Whatever the reason I did this ... on the Rückwg I then used the Shinkansen (high speed).

Once in Odawara

... I went down the street that I should lead to castle of Odawara.

The same is paved with cute pictures:

And I saw a group of policemen ... somehow they are cute!

So the site looks from the castle:

The first thing I encountered on my path was a public Bathroom with funny characters.

This is the sign of "Hime" which means princess or noblewoman

and here one can not but recognize as good, but it is "Tono" and means "My lord!

Well, at least this is indeed a castle!

Wennman goes on, you come to a kind of playground. Only cooler! With the railroad and carousel.

I was unfortunately a bit too big for that I am on to TT__TT Hotoku Ninomiya Shrine
I'd like now Please do not Ninomiya-fangirls hear here scream!

Then it was on the premises a few doors ...

and very funny scenes:

You could also check out what the buildings are assembled:

After a bridge high above the mountain and went through another door, I was there:

near the castle!
Yosh! I've or the first time but rested and eaten and drunk.

this is sugar water with mandarin. Despite all the sugar it has, incredibly, tasted a bit bitter.

so, and an ice cream! Natürlichaus a vending machine!

I've taken the chocolate chips with peppermint and ^ ^

übrignds tastes just like us ...

could be there by the way let stcken in ancient clothes:

And since I'm brave tourist, I of course can also do this with me. First, s only cost around 2 € and other people have told me that there are too few pictures on it gives me my ...

irgndwie do I look fat in Japanese ... TT__TT s is better maintained. And I've already taken the armor ... Shikatta ga nai ne?

Oh, and in the background is übrignds the castle! XDD
here again without a photo of my (omni) humble self-present:

It was purely in the castle, but now I wanted to spend less than 10 € for it and you do not always dufte drinne photo. So damn isses.

Then I am on the (long and beschwehrlichen) made way to the beach.
On the road there, I have again met the nidlichen pictures:

Since s was damn hot (above 35 degrees in the shade) and I am already totally to lie on the beach, sun bathing, swim the sea, go diving and I was also pleased to inn surfing lessons (for which I had planned xtra 300 €, because I wanted to make sure !)...

... my disappointment was huge when I saw this:

This is the beach of Odawara! Stones for miles! TT__TT
And it got worse.
The bathing area (The only one that is within it, which is regulated) is a well-traveled road to Gnau

and is limited to a few meters

well as lliegen übrignds everywhere nasty fist-sized stones rum and without shoes, it does damn hurt, trying to run that way * does *

I then spent half an hour there by ichetwas have ggessen and drunk. Before that, I am again quickly into the water (which is about 23 ° was warm and brought eigendlich no cooling) and have Salzwassr gschluckt ... it was so salty that I almost drove up alone ... so true right salty!
am I also not made for the Japanese beach. Some have obviously made about my physique funny and the lifeguard looked at me as if they would like Jan-ken-pon ! want to play and the loser had to save me ... I would drown in the fals.

That was not such a great feeling ...

I have not given up hope and thought maybe I could still surf. But
images this dream was overtaken by the harsh reality and steam roller-like flattened. This

is the place where one would have eigendlich boards can borrow ...

You can believe me, then I was very broken and I am heartbroken and schmerzendn feet trotted back to the station and on to the next Shinkansen home.

So it was that it was my day already Disem around 16:00 clock at home and me on my bed 've thrown my futon and I sulked until I fell asleep ...


animals quiz: A


Flower Quiz:



sign in the women's toilet: Practical double toilet!

Putzige Gullideckel Part 2:

Great Aschenbcher:

he has a face ^ ^

church! For those who can not see the temples and shrines more!

sugar water Part 2: this time So with peach

, and do not forget to leave a comment. I feel lonely otherwise! Or suppose No pig reading this! has



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