Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pedals System Propulsion Boats

Enoshima Day 26: * Groan *

Today will probably be even more boring for you, as the entry from yesterday. But my body is so slow to be limits. When I return, I need first holiday ...
Say I need in bed and a massage.

Today happens is still less than yesterday ...

Imagine yesterday then only with less cinema (ie none at all) and more chocolate (my Figuuuuuuur ~ TT__TT)

ye: today! Tada ~

mini biscuits. To eat. there are better. see hold out cute.

Something pudding. tastes a bit like caramel, I think. To eat. there are bsseres.

Kitsune Udon. hmmm, he prefers Tsukemen again. Although almost instant anyway alls the same tastes.

ice. Incredibly, it looks inside the same like on the package. Tastes good average.

my lunch. Looks promising. tastes a bit BSSR as the "fresh sushi from the emperor, purchase land or Aldi ...

Then I'll go again but only for my ieber tükischn sushi man in Berlin ...

Onigiri are dependent on good races but (also for the character)

I feel like I sit here, I'm constantly talking about the decline and my character ... it's really bad. But alongside all withered skeletons here you have to appear so large.

Kaoru said, I see from normal - for Europeans! Well thank you.

And I was also Shota-kun (I ask you, before later) talked about it. He said he was not just a japanese thin. I stared at him. Then he quickly added: "But in Europe, I'm thin."

And somehow he's right ... that we would all be non-fat. However, our bone structure is a bit wider ...

In Japan it is normal in size but below 1.60 to weigh 45kg (40kg also are okay here) but it still sounds scary, right?

Imagine it before me, I would be proud with my 1,67 m not my 65 (now 59.5 kg) but only weigh just over 50kg? or even under 50kg?

Since I am considered but as anorexic, right?

Okay, I tried to the BMI. everything in my size would be under 52kg underweight.

HERE there NEN englischn small contribution ... to the last sentence Untergwichtigen Japanese
ar particularly great:

"They're getting skinnier and skinner. The population is decreasing! Japan is gonna disappear! "
they [become thinner and thinner. The population is declining. Japan will dissolve into nothingness!]

NAAAAIN! So, if you cast a Japanese meet, give him something to eat greasy!

And because the entry is still a bit short, I will show you even the way that every day I go from the apartment to the station.

As you can see, there is almost NEVER sidewalks in the small streets. But I got used to it quickly.

There is only so fenced-area ...

Park ..

there is ever any statues ...

ahhh, there already is the train station. It runs about 10 minutes total. there are still nen faster, way is the less beautiful.

There are so few people are there because it is about 7:00 am ...

I like this automated system. So practical, so no go black ... hach.

So, even if it was boring this time, do not forget comment!


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