Saturday, August 7, 2010

When Esata On Dont See

Tag 8: Tanabata in Sendai

Oooookay, I think this will be a veeeery long entry.
I have really experienced a lot that day. I was previously a bit excited and could not therefore sheep very well.
am so I set off slightly later than planned.

I first drove by Futako-Tamagawa to Ueno station, which is about ever takes five minutes. There, I've provided me first of all have in combining with food and then have a few minutes rummgeirrt until I find the entrance to had found Shinkansen lines.
I was looking for the next Express towards Sendai and found one of you shall depart in 3 minutes. So get out there.
had Incredibly, the train - luckily for me - about 2 minutes late (which is rarely found in Japan !)...

again so I could quickly take a picture of the ads there to give you views nen insight into what should change, the German railway quickly XDD

The Board is mine!
on Anzige available departure date, name of the train, train number, destination and a few comments (mostly if it's a train, in the cars without a reservation exists and if so, which cars are the. Or wait, that there is a train only with reservations is ...)

The doors really hold exactly where the characteristic drying Zich is! Wagon 15 holds the body with the number 15! I was so surprised that it really all goes well. The rest of the platform is the way with ds grille.

out is at the Wagon and turn again, whether he is with reserved Pläzen or not ...

and inside is again, in how many dm Wagon you find yourself, whether it is reserved and then passes through the display. On it are different things.
On departure, where the train is moving, at which anghalten stations (namely, not at all, is ja n Express). During the journey sometimes come
news and advertising ...
And just before the next station which of course is this and (!) What the stop is THEN that you do not bite in the butt when the train passed by your stopping place is, without stopping.

course there are ads sometimes at Deutsche Bahn, but I honestly rarely see ...
So, in the direction of Sendai ...

Here you see the track I'm gone, so you can imagine about where this is and how much ... (I think from Tokyo Station to Sendai there are 122 km)

After I entered in Ueno and had looked for a place ...
(the compartments with non-reserved seats were indeed full, but since I'm already entered at the first stop, I've still got one ^ ^) ... I'm
leisurely down a few stops, until I saw the advertisement. The summit was written
on any train to Yamagata ... so I'm calmly up to Fukushima (there is a fork in the path towards Yamagata and Sendai) and moved there from my compartment (Wagon 17) dropped out and 16 Wagongs run further forward (Wagon 2) about me there again to look for a non-reserved space.
Yeah, I'm so eigendlich entered in exactly the same train! But the Shinkansen frequently have time to divide the property somewhere ... so I sat there on the right train, but in the wrong wagon. The first one has to know XDDD

(Fukushima übrigends is written with the kanji for happiness and island!)
After that, I'm normally the last two stops down without further incident.

Arrived in Sendai, I am first a round (andersthalb hours) running around the station.
There was even the first piece of paper on which you could write up your requests, etc..

of orange left on top of one of my picture ^ ^

By the way there was really a lot of foreigners in Sendai, who have come for the festival. Even in the station it'll give all at the information desks signs that said, that all hotels are booked.

It was very busy to arise in the station hall, everywhere there were local delicacies and souvenirs.
And everywhere hung Tanabata typical jewelry.

gigantic real!

sooo, sometime I am actually even married outside.
expected me there like these 2 forms:

The Left is Date Masamune dar. ..
so now I'm sometimes an ordinary tourist image ^ ^ but it made
were there for.
By the way so once again I can see how big this Tanabata decorations ...

Not ten meters was around this guy

I could not miss. and so I have embraced in Japan for the first time a Japanese man!
(I have not even embraced Kaoru, even though he is already Europeanized XDD)

Okay, from here to start my research Sendai tour.
I went the following way:

1) yellow line - the arcades
2) blue line - a stroll to the park
3) the star - my Place at the Tanabata

Let's start with the tour.

The Arcades:

The path through the arcades my opinion, was quite long. Especially since we only progressed slowly because of the crowds.

And once again I had to control myself so as not to mutate into a vulture ... I managed quite well. So I've grabbed a lot of the free stuff, such as flyers and fan ... which then serve as a memorabilia.

This made all these cute balloons ... awww and I always had to Lily think TT___TT

There was also typical Japanese games where you start with a paper scoop bouncing balls or small fish, until it breaks. What you have caught, then you may keep.
HERE allbecken is a video of the B and HERE from the fish tank.

were from time to time including in some rum ... I'm also wondering if I should ever take a picture ... I was quite good ^ ^

And it was children's theater ... with Japanese monsters and ghosts!

2) stroll to the park:

were in the park are some beautiful place and I was able to recuperate well from the crowd in the arcades ...
among other things, it was seen there this:

After I'm a little gelatscht through the park, I found several Güppchn that I see again later in the festival was ... here the police marching band is from Sendai to see ...

I still made some nice ftos nature ... and all, but the show I can not get you everything. Höhö!

eigendlich I am then again back gegagen asterisk in direction.
But on my way there I have not yet taken the following forms:

Japanese kids are sooooo cute! Awwww ...
I buy for Lily and for something to put on, it can take their poison ...!

3) The asterisk:

So now we come to the times, and I've driven eigendlich to Sendai, the Tanabata Matsuri (Star Festival).
I have about a quarter in six Dirkt place to sit behind the barriers between those who trespass against me and wanted a slightly older, very nice lady and a photographer in the 40, whose brother is also from Germany and he told me so much ....( the Photographer)

counter at half past five then began the feast. There were several hard places with different attractions. Here (if someone can read it) my schedule:

To start off, the drummers.

was for me the group that most part of children's stocks. They were really impressive. I
get out of it a video made ...
At this point, I must say that I have thought many times to mom because she would very much determined to see it live.

Then came a dance of which I know you, but tell nothing more ...

HERE Gibts again a video of it.

part three was then quite impressive Artistry deposits of the fire brigade (the photographer said)
There were really moments when I thought the same crash ...

And of course, have I made it a VIDEO .

For me personally the highlight was the then Suzume Odori (Sparrow Dance).

For you, it gives them HERE a video. I found the fact wirklch really wonderful! \u0026lt;3

and there have even the smallest children participated and gave their best!
That was sooo cute!

the end (for me, but not quite as interesting), the variety of marching bands.

I like this lad now nothing around high because it was too boring for me personally ... but the costumes were nice.
Also there is a short VIDEO ...

was then Sense and general mood.

But before I'm back lengths given by the arcades to the station, I pressed against a small restaurant in the hand following advertising

Care must get please click the BURGER! in the hand ...
I had to laugh.

And the advertising distributor asked me if I wanted to have a photo with samurai ....

... which I of course then can make:

But I saw at the time but quite nice and Fertich durchgewuschelt (not to mention the sweat)

And STILL has the miryokuteki na Samurai-Sama-San Kun! (my right) talk but really still quite a while with me.
He did me quite sorry when he told me that after work he also returned to Tokyo (Kanamachi) needed, but not like I could take the Shinkansen, but with the " ; Local "(he means is slower and has additionally at each station!)
real, I do not want to know when was the home (I'm always out in Sendai arrived at 20:13 and go home to a quarter to twelve)

By the way I have them both already earlier in the day seen and done a photo ^ ^

Yo, after the chatter with the samurai-Sama-San-Kun! I am then quickly through the arcades (yes you can imagine how easy it is moving forward with the masses!) to the station and the direction of Tokyo ...

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PS: I actually get a place also in the return trip. Apparently
are still many people in Sendai, driven later or with the Local operated ... good for me! hehe ^ ^

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videos I add more as soon as they are uploaded ... which may last for hours.


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