Monday, August 9, 2010

Nikon Camera Bag Latch Problem

Tag 9: Cosplay?

Okay, here I am again.

After the entry on Sunday I finished writing about Sendai, I made the trip to Harajuku, as promised to take pictures of cosplayers .

But when I got there was the bridge, which brings together many of the supposedly cosplayers ... empty!

I was wondering if I'm maybe too early ... or too late.
But no, this young lady ...

told ... me that these accumulations of cosplayers eigendlich take place only at certain events this month and that probably none is more. Furthermore, I've noticed

that I did not in a few days right Yoyogipark was, but only in part that belongs to the Meiji Shrine ... so I'm not smooth in the Park went right, in the hope that there still may see some Staßenbands.

I am dismal run the following route:

or about at least ...

the main entrance, waiting for me the way, these figures:

I'm not sure how exactly call these people, but something with Rockabilly Yanki biker gang ...
HERE is a video, but made of non-me ...

see a bit of threatening, but I'm certainly no aggressive behavior seen by them.

I was hungry and me that day - though I was in Harajuku - had bought anything yet, I have allowed myself Takoyaki! Was also very tasty!

So, continue in the park ..
I have with my octopus balls on the search for a place to sit and have made a group of foreigners found to make the experimental music ...
So I sat down and gemapft me.

called themselves The übrigends "The Good Luck Boys ...

After I finished eating, then I'm gone.

to fountain ...

Fires artign part ...

have and then asked me again at the output of Shibuya to the Ausichtsplatform ...

And over the bridge ...

Well folks, this is sunset in Tokyo ... something, right?

then I am from the park along one of the many shopping streets running toward Shibuya station. The following
Images are some impressions of what there is so and how chic is all done!

@ Dajana: The I in the thought of you made ^ ^


inside Thats has viiiiiel more like this ^ ^ soooo

, and then I came across au Tower Records.

and I entered.

I had bought out Takoyaki still nothing, I got me a little looking around at the magazines (uhhhh, evil thing!) and then entchieden me for a book about the film Hanamizuki. (Which starts in late August here and I want to see in theaters)


And then I got me a magazine with and by Shun Oguri \u0026lt;bought 3 ...
A Journal of his radio show (with CD and incredibly witty called Manga Hentai Kamen), the curses are 小栗 旬 の オールナイト ニッポン (that Oguri Shun no All Night Nippon)
The radio show is Tuesday night I always think of one stands up to three (ie eigendlich on the site 25 ~ 27, for whatever reason ...) to
Hentai Kamen I found an old manga from the 90s ... HERE! Is dnn but without Oguri Shun, unfortunately.
I've just been to the CD is pure. While I understand little of what the interviews, but I like his voice ^ ^

I was allowed in there to make the store even photos (which you may otherwise rarely yes ... but I asked!).

Thus übrigends look like advertisements for new CDs in Japan:

but who is still not cool enough, will enjoy this turn:

They were really a looker, all have umgdreht after them! and it was determined have a real caravan ... 7 or 8 fat sled ...

And that ended that day and again in Shibuya ...

Good night!

. PS: I miss constantly looking Unubore Deka, try it now, I hereby times!


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