Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where Do I Put My Badges On My Brownie Uniform

Day 25: Hanamizuki

today was to not be so much.
"Why then hated non much ore the last entries written?"
Because I'm the beginning of the concert and after I had uploaded images stundnang and had written the entry is finished, I abgekakckt when saving anything ... why! yes!

and therefore s is now once again a special about food! YAY!

Admit you've been waiting! Aware ego yet.

I eventually crawled from afternoon to the supermarket and I've stocked up with stuff (was frustrated because the unmsonst written record)

I got to my delight Dorayaki found (pancake-bean pancake)
I love Dorayaki . Order it in at ALWAYS Makoto Berlin!

leidr are always too fast all ...

and I've had it (as) found gyoza.

So here were gyoza, ch but was too lazy to zubreiten them correctly. So I took them in the microwave just stopped, and then eat ... can you do, you Solte not.
tastes not so good, like real gyoza ... apart from the fact that there were fertiggyoza ...

so because junk food and candy to the stupid Daur, I've actually bought me the value of 5 € vegetables / fruit! My


so is the ales.
"What? That's all? "
Yes, a peach and 2 carrots ... are si ... Japan is great but what relates to fresh fruits and vegetables really expensive.
So, estimates for Germany and eat more fruits and vegetables!

so as to output Leichner Zeuch all healthy again, I have bought me something to drink:

with Calpis Grape

Disney Strawberry Milk ...

So I have been in both would be almost carried off on a sugar rush then ... It also tastes just as dye-heavy, as it aussiht.

But after that I'm Zeuch gworden really addictive:

black tea with milk and sugar - eisgeküht!
is even better (and sweeter) than Matcha Latte ...

the evening rods Kaoru and I eeeendlich times spent together. uhuuu ~

We are ind cinema gone.
a romance ... with Ikuta Toma ....\u0026lt; 3


Filminnfo (English)

TRAILER (Japanese)

Muhar ... I like Ikuta Toma.
I always smile when I see him acting (except for one scene in Ningen Shikkaku (1:22 to 1:24), so I almost cried - and his acting in the scene was really very good, I find)

And because s in Japanese cinema is more merchandise and I deny not need to be a fangirl (not the Ikuta-park!) because I've also bought what \u0026lt;3

namely a mechanical pencil ...:

yeah, totally cheesy. pink with cherry blossoms and so ....
but hey, it's merchandise.

By the way, I found the movie funny.
We bought the tickets in the foyer and are then driven with the lift.

But on the Buttons were not the floors but the films.
We are so pretty in the decorated floor "Hanamizuki" driven.

If you get off, the card is checked, then comes the popcorn / merchandise stand and then you have a medium-sized hall, in which we have free choice!

bsss .... weird but nice.
nscheinen And go to the cinema people here not sooo often. So in any event less frequently than here ...

So, that's ... We have yet
Tsutaya borrowed DVDs and went to hew (cinema was in Shibuya)

Commission please do not forget.



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