Thursday, August 19, 2010

Replacement Parts For Targus Tripods

Day 20: Nagoya

soooo RURAL again a record.
Have given me so much time the last days.

But slowly I come close to a burn out. It
around zipper pretty and I would like to have a rest every other day and just did not do anything ...

I still try not to use the days here, so far my body will join in ^ ^

This time I went to Nagoya .
Since you are in a few hours can not look at the whole city, I rausgsucht me one, I wanted to do.

a museum! Finally, I
was not really in a ...

I thought it would " Nagoya Boston Museum of Fine Arts " picked out.

I got up pretty early. So for my situation soon ...

and after INEM Mini Breakfast (Onigiri) I bn I waited to Shinagawa (30 min) and then I got on the Shinkansen nächstbsten. That was not soooo difficult, because the fahrn about every 10 minutes!

All that you see on the picture above hold also in Nagoya, so it was no matter what I drive. Of course, one could say that I would take the first jtzt ... I do not. The fact holds at all stations, which is on the way to the finish time ... ergo, despite Schnelzug but a little langamer compared to the others. I took the Hikari (the Nozomi, I can not drive kostnlos with my JR pass, unfortunately).

Despite the fact that the Hikari drives off later, when the Kodama, he is an hourly previous posting in Nagoya. In addition, you get better there a place (There are many people in the grad eingstiegen Kodama - maybe he is Bilig or they were all people who have in the smaller towns)

I want to reiterate how many dates you GREEMENT to a display panel bi train can:

And can proceed as arranged everything there:

We note the lines on the floor. There will be employed in series! No jostling and shoving. Who is present longer before it!
If it still could be in Germany!

the way, the Sun looks like Hikari:

And on the train, there are all great info:

I like the Japanese way ... \u0026lt;3

so the journey begins:

to wake up and I do not die of thirst:

black tea with milk and sugar ice cold! He was really tasty! (! But 150yen)

landscape is now:

Yes, looks like this in Japan ... sometimes not soooo different from Dutschland. Trees, grass, water ... all available here also, just like us! What a miracle! XDDD

SO, after about a half hour Ride ... Nagoya:

And here's another example of Japanese politeness:

is excused if an escalator is not working and repaired immediately! In Tokyo I ever came to such a scene over. And there was in addition to the signs actually have a railway employee, dr with every entschudigte again and bowed ...

Once, just once I would like something to experience times in Germany! Yes!

SO, now but more zumMuseum:

arrived in Nagoya, I just knew I have to Kanayama station ... there went off the Suchner:

To my horror I could get my Pasmo not use ... so I had to actually deal but with a vending machine that gave me an English description, which was much more complicated than the whole process of ticket purchase!

Well, I'm irgendwei finally has come to Kanayama.

from there I had no more take the right exit and then I was standing right in front of the museum.

Well, inside photos kin may be made ... so you will now simply 9e admission for 4 small Sääle with Images. It was just an exhibition about "changing Soil" also landscapes. I found some pretty good (I've even taken notes!) But much was not absolute min case ...

After 2 hours I was back out there. So I'm gegurkt a bit around the station.

Great manhole cover Part 3

advertising for an Optician:

sushi shop:

Japanese have for space problems is always a solution:

know so you always , which shops are where and on which floor ... by the way: There are thousands of them here.

I think there was also sushi ...

And here?

which has been moved by the way! * Scary *

There are always funny Aussetllungsstücke somewhere in the halls of large (and expensive) department stores ...

Joah, I was still shopping (I have bought new brush pens, along with refill)
Such was the department store .... and yes, I'm up in the 51st Stock down, but there was just disgustingly expensive restaurants. So I could nichmal take a picture of the view.

SO, one last picture and then I'm Back ...

on de way back, I've been sitting in the smoking compartment was ... not be so great. but space is space!


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