Monday, August 9, 2010

Official Dragon Ball Doujinshi

Day 10: Futako-Tamagawa

So, here I am again.

Today I finally watched a bit of the place where I live - Futako-Tamagawa.
I have put myself a little on the search anch hidden, beautiful place, as there is still a great deal else to see and experience. Is containing n outskirts ... so dead trousers.

But I'm loud Kaoru a "good Eye for the small fortune "and I think that, I'm really ne gnaze amount found ^ ^

First, I will show you times when I'm long gone.

point A is our home. from there I went towards the river, walked along the shore a little later and went over the bridge and toward Takatsu Station. I'd like to know how many miles I'm here already gone ...

So I am walking along a river wnig and you have once made a picture of how it looks here in a driving school. There have
grade in this practice area had all sorts of vehicles their use. Normal cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses and even excavator! somehow a funny scene. Sorry, there are here now just normal cars DClick.

Then I moved on and I have a small, hidden shrine discovered. Although there was just built, so Gibts non soo many photos, but I am still very happy, sometimes a not so tourist-crowded to see small shrine.

first I did not dare to Grounds to go ... but something is eigendlich no problem. Little Johanna must hold only sometimes overcome the ships in and pipe up ^ ^ I'm

dn path along the river still wnig on running and eventually came across this sign:

As it says that it is dangerous to go in here and we should not.
I think this sign totally cute. And I have seen several signs that had almost all those pictures on it. After that, I'm still

geschländert by a small park and have enjoyed the flowers there ...

Then I finally went to Tamagawa, the river that flows through here.

Saw present at first attempt is not sooo spectacular and well and certainly not in the photo, there was also not as bright weather. But to me the clouds were quite right times, less heat! But I found e eigendlich really there pretty nice. There was also Jugndliche, the swim went as sin, but I would honestly have been too spoiled by dirty * Mecklenburg Lake District is

* By the way I am later in the day over the bridge went to a picture ....

I was stopped at deise place the next 2 hours and searched for hidden (natural) beauty ...
... and found some.

this here for example. Kaoru said to me later that it was a private grave, that still - probably a day - would visit (it had been placed fresh flowers)

After I'm gone a few meters, I have found this way ...

... and came across a small resting point.

I found it very relaxing in this place but I can tell anyone what those hanging things?

Then I continue along the river. from there you can see and sometimes strange things .... Hmmm, somehow I like this tree species.

looked so incidentally, the area where I am rumgestromert:

Thank you Japan, there is every few meters always such great cards!

I also saw some fishermen (and fish ^ ^)

Here is a picture puzzle (especially for Anton!)

and? has anyone discovered the insect?

Sooo! I'm finally over the bridge ...
on the other side, there were quite a few people who have made a picnic and party ... many of them were teenagers. Here namely HPs the summer holidays started! and students against them by the end of August (students HPs free by the end of September)

fact that I had crossed the river, I found myself übrigends appear in a different pre Prefecture ...

... which I personally but pretty damn was. I'm just running more and more straight ahead.

On my way I'm still at a small temple passed ...

... and a veterinary clinic (again as a cute sign!)

Well, I was already at the Takatsu Station. Since it had started raining and I have run from the feet did hurt, I am very easy to put in the bin and the two stations went back ...

And then I'm dropped dead in bed ...


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