Friday, August 27, 2010

Vtech Kidizoom Runs Really Slow

Day 27: Part 1

or "Paradise"
Or "ichiban diet plan: Zuallersert buy one kilo of souvenirs and then'm running for 6 hours on an island rum"

Or "How can an island have so many stairs?" Or "Oops, wrong cave ... well, whatever!"

so that I s not forget again.
@ Mark: Why are there no more pictures in original size? Because LiveJournal gave me only 1 GB for photos and are full! ichdie must now upload it to Photobucket, select better and can show a few images ... and there will soon be no place more, then a new account here ... but maybe it goes even grad so ...
And there are no pictures of Kaoru ... I have not seen for days ... now seriously, he is not at home have been the leztten 2 days ... and I have no idea where he went. .. and besides that, we find ourselves almost exclusively, wnn times he comes out of his room (eating, toilet) or I'm going to ask him what ...

So, now converging on the subject ...

Enoshima ... Where should I just start ...?
I with my entries a bit lagging behind, is my first visit back (ie this one) now have exactly 7 days and since then much has happened that I write this review with a lot of sadness.
Ironically, yesterday was in fact my last visit to Enoshima.

you see now is not, but I want a little tears in her eyes ... but I'll try to post the entry here with non quite so sad undertone.

When I was in Kamakura Haru and was told by my "luck" in Odawara, he told me to go to Enoshima.

Enoshima, I had not heard non. So I suggested to my guide. Since there was an entry to Enoshima with about 10 lines ... Hmmm, it was needed the Internet.

Wikipdia there has already been more puck. Okay, People resort .... but who cares? Schießlich I am tourist!

I've looked dannmal following map: there

This map me 3 important dates.
1) Transport
2) a few sights
3) (most important) SURF VILLAGE!

I still had a good chance to surf in Japan.

And Enoshima is not soooo far away from Tokyo. Depending on the connection between you drive 1 3 / 4 and 2 1 / 2 hours. So once
m within the possible. Using a JR pass, I had added up travel costs only about 10 € roundtrip.

with NEM Kamakura Enoshima-pass (or so) because kannman rumgurken the whole day for about 10 €. has brought me but Nicx, so I bought the non ...

It looks übrignds at the station in Fujisawa, starts from where the line Enoden towards Enoshima Station.
The great thing is that people get off on one side and on the other one minutes later, people get one ... it's just really a small, cute, single-track tramway.

Here's the cute Enoden train from ^ ^

And there's even sooo much Fanartikel it ...
I bought me one that looks about as

but my bell is bright green XD

driving from Fujisawa to Enoshima Station about 10 minutes

The railway is the AB is

Enoshima Station looks like this übrigends

Hach, I miss them already, and the Enoden this station ... TT__TT

When the Station in Fujisawa still must Wartner (Enoden the train leaves every 12 minutes) then nch one has enough time to get the etiquette rules for the train to read:

why we do not have something cute?

So, I drove a car (special 100-year anniversary of something ... keinn Pla, what eigendlich)

Estonians on my day in Enoshima, I got out one stop too soon - intentionally - in Shonan Kaigan Koen because s holding close to the Surf Village should be it. Ends was the last damn, but I knew not yet. I wanted to look
Zuest ne surf school and NEN Date and make me watch them the island. So: first direction
Surf Village.

The road to the beach was a bit empty ... XD and as we already know, no sidewalk.

view from a bridge I've crossed ...

I like the way to unhook the futons Lüftner ... \u0026lt;3

Since a node - Normal traffic parking for aquarium beach entrance for surfers / swimmers is can be found here ne cool bridge.

... with nice views.

See that? BEACH! WITH SAND AND SO! and waves and surfboards! ahhhhhh, the view was great. (After Odwara a bright spot!)

then I'm first on the beach through long and I've asked where I could refer to our website for a good surf school. As there are hundreds (in addition to diving schools, wind surfing schools, kite surfing schools, etc.) I have my search narrowed down to a meaningful way schools with teachers who speak English.

Still I can not soooo good to know Japanese to be enough words that go in the surf area (but in English is not quite so simple, I think)

was first I sent to the shop from Billabong, where only as Badehosn Zech, skateboards, etc. was sold and the seller only Japanese language.
I've explained to him what I wanted and he has range brings a friend, but also spoke only Japanese, but the surrounding surf schools knew better.

First he told me that surf courses will be logged at least one day before (also true) and now make even more is nothing. Then he wanted to give me telephone numbers, but I told him that I would prefer to register in person.

He has led me to a shop for bikinis and ... I was dragged into the back room ... where there were two more sun-tanned men in their early 30s ... one of which was minimal English.

The Shop:

and from there it went uphill.
Derejnige told me that today, the courses are already fully or over, but I could sign up for that tomorrow and then there was also a teacher who can speak English.

Schupperkurs 5.000yen cost of 2 hours (50 €) and a 3-day course (6 hours) 12.000yen cost, he said. I wanted
converging like the 6-sundenkurs book, but he said I should try it and then can estmal we will raise prices for the same.

I was a little surprised because I had grechnet so that it would be more expensive than in Germany, the windsurfing, but they are exactly the same prices. at least in Binz ....

said than done. And whoosh I was registered. Man, I was happy!
date was the next day, shortly before 10 in the store ...

Since I could devote myself entirely reassured all the beauty of Enoshima.

loud with joy like I've once again a manhole cover photographed. It is truly a passion of mine XDD

So, here is the entrance to the bridge to Enoshima:

with important information on the sites concerned residents

air and a warning of falcons? Wiso hawks, I thought .. but there was really a lot. I thought they Geass at rest, but you never know ...

hach ... I've just done aspect of dism viiiiiiel too few photos. Japanese men simply look stunningly good in things from ... \u0026lt;3
was not around here especially now ^ ^

and I like the sound of geta ...* sigh * Sooo

here you see around, I have everything wa visited:

Right at the beginning to meet a Enoshima on this ... whatever it be.

... and a more expensive hotel / restaurant.

access to the shopping street. Jam-packed with souvenir shops, food stalls (if you can call it that here) and small restaurants ...

is hir mixed Japanese-style like with everything there so ...

so I ne geühlte half an hour took me for a photo with the Schmettertir make. he flew around the bush Imme, was not to ban but to photo ...

So, I made the mistake myself of this shopping area to be misled and buy Zeuch worth 200 € (which weighed no little degree) And all I've done the same to start ... you have to be daft wi eigendlich? Well, but I believe these were then 2 kilos, which I have since lost XDD
Think Positive!

ürAlso fully charged up the hill to the entrance of the first shrine to me ... which meant the beginning of countless steps ...

the is less terrible than the following two XD if all the tiger would be so cute ...


so zurst even by the funny circle through ... but not yet by any simple! No, only by and to the left back, then again by and to the right and then back through again and again back to the left ... for those who were eventually totl confused here is the description:

Japanese also had to inspect the first wave of friends and the way XDDD I have mastered habs Bavour with and without assistance and only 2 vorhr Minutn on the image to stare ... ^ ^

Again, it was - as always - Stamp! Wohooo ~

Since you had to pay admission, I was non there.

Tues were also totally sweet ... Hach ... If I had but now only had one sweetheart by my side .... TT__TT

lonely and alone I'm sooooo then continued to run, always the helpful signs behind ...

The sign her very very large Escalator (escalator) written. Of which there were several here for those who were too lazy to climb stairs. I ran good. also was the only uphill anyway and I think cost € 2 for adult.

sooo, I think it was like one of the main attractions zeimlich dr island, and they should supposedly a Benzaiten statue is in it ... in itself not so special. But to be here supposedly naked ... I had forgotten oll, I'm just vorbeigelatscht to it (the smell of ramen was in the air)

escalator ... it's my turn over.

Standings: eating

break for, on time by one.
Ramen from the massive kitchen ... tasted more like instant food, but were 4x more expensive ... it was a AAaaaber Naruto here! my first Naruto! (Which is the white thing there ... with the pink spiral on it)
I wanted to try from time to time. I've now looks pretty from nic'x is special. + dough tastes like fish ...

Eeeendlich I once a funny description for the toilets Children Titze found XDDD

then went into the binich Samuel Cocking Garden (with lighthouse 500yen admission ...)

Did I mention Souvenir? Arg, böööse fall! But I do not have the baby migenommen, even if I have liked to.

Sun .. just look at this picture ... palm trees, blue sky, 35 ° C. .. simply paradise. Muharhar!

Next we went to probably the only temple here.

were converging Tues gatekeepers two angry red figures ... but I was interested in the Kannon mrh ...

a beautiful Kannon! haaaah, simply wonderful.

and I am pure burst in any ceremony ....

Then There Were more stairs ...

and even a shrine ...

moo, there goes the degree through the gate ... made the find cute XDD I'm very quickly the picture to me is he still on it ... but he just makes a funny face ^ ^

dare? have

In any case, on Enoshima it with dragons ... so far have hardly as flashy seen ...

sooo, and after yet more stairs, I was at the other end of the island.

Because there should be caves in, I went in search ma ... I also found a. But that was somehow off the tourist-beaten track ...
Anyone who knows me, knows what happened.

Exactly, I parked my backpack and am there raufgekraxlt. under me only rocks and the sea ...

But as was not the cave, which was advertised on the internet, I'm sure!

why I continue to search ... and I also found it.

cave tour ...
First, I again noticed that Tir. to thousands who were there. everywhere. some small, some larger ...

and after I'm always trying to figure out what these are for eigendlich critters, I was informed of the cave un ... So Japan was at least ...

Funamushi .... call themselves ... is translated differently. times as Seeley, sometimes as a sea-scrape. studied it from you. I do not care, I do not like ...

The cave was left even for Japanese Ratios low.

crawl well, on my stomach I had not.

in the caves (for there were eigendlich 2) there were so few to admire ...

Unfortunately I had to give up the lantern again ... shame.

to strengthen it was after the walk first ... NATA DE KOKO. Should be eigendlich minem understanding, coconut milk. In truth it was a yoghurt drink soda with strange jelly pieces, which were enriched with the artificial taste of coconut ... would be too nice been.

then I somehow made my way back. So from one end of insl back to the other. I'm going to verucht not always the same way, but it is hardly possible, the island is not large and there are almost bsonders only one way.
a few detours but I can still make and folgndes found:

which there were still some issues there chained to a bridge. Eigendlich corny, but I was touched. And the time to Zwit deise day I wished to make a partner so corny Zeuch you to ... TT__TT
Stupid Päärchen happy ... bah!

I went through a cemetery gained (matching the mood XD) and down to a secluded beach and have some mussels. I hope ma, I can bring everything without breaking anything. Who knows what I have there mitgschleppt from the sea ...

Then I had happened reached the bridge. Eigendlich I wanted to have the marina anschauenund the fishing boats. I'm n the direction of running, but my feet did hurt just been too hard ...

So I've been resting at a well.

'm still fast ... (camera battery all) the gmacht last pictures ...

... and then I went back over the bridge to the mainland.

too, I'm still hanging around for a while on the beach, watching kite-surfers and young surfers and I send myself again with my bikini and threw a little better now than in Odawara beach body in the water.

water temperature feels like 26 ° C or more ... just wonderful, although still totally salty ...
There it was then dark at once, when I came out of the water ...

Sun Enoshima see in the dark by the state as seen from:

Towards Enoshima station Mir are then still traveling musicians begegndet ... but it all happened so fast.

Well and then I went home. I've cut early ns bed so I could get up early again to go back to Enoshima to surf and learn to ...

not forgotten. Commission please!


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