Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Put Clothes On Ur Foto

Day 24:

or "shrines, nothing as shrines ne ... oh wait ... these are the Temple! "
Or" ... I can nothing around, I'm full ... but it is still cake there! "
Or" The big food "
Or" How much does it cost? Which means? Oh whatever, bring it on. "
or" sand beach at last! "

Jaaaah, Kamakura ... threes to Kamakura! This time the force was smaller, but it was no less fun.

Even though I think that Haru-chan very nice of us had to suffer two Weibsen Muharhar ...

Haru and I have the night before on Skype us about it maintain what I would like to see on the liebsen. And then he has everything in NiO with large dn plan.

Monday morning, it was then 9:00 clock Kawasaki Station, the same meeting point as last time when I came

too hard out of bed, I was relatively on time (2 minutes late or so ... but that was then well on the train XDDD)

are then switched several times until we were finally in Kamakura (even if it is a less severe eigendlich way there, they refuse, some trains simply, in accordance Ofuna Kamakura to turn cheek)

So Bahnhofsorplatz.!

Buses and hach ... a goal, I like Japan (and do not overlook the McDonalds!)
In addition to the gate of the ice cream shop where we veputzen later tasty ice and gave it to the cake directly dadrüber XD If
it goes through the gate to get to the shopping street, which I later mention ...

And one of the buses, we are then going first, but after we bought a day pass (550yen? I think) and I've made some photos of manhole covers.

Hach, I find them just too adorable. I'll aufmachn a fan club for Japanese manhole covers. Others collect Breifmarken, I collect .... ne to be difficult ... but I make pictures ...

Sunday as first we have a bus on the way to Ennoji , a temple in the Enma, ruler of the underworld / the dead oak, which is aimed at you and decide whether you are in come hell or not ...

So, why I wanted to go there?
is converging towards the base rarely stupid ... but you know me XD
ICh've looked through the guide, as I've written with Haru ... and I've read about the entry this temple and I had to immediately think of Dragon Ball Does anyone remember ... the lord of the underworld in Dragon Ball ?
Well, that is the reason ... an anime (and manga).

So I'm just a picture in front of the Temple, because, as always, is forbidden to make drinne photos ... but I can tell you that it indoors veeery nice gruseig was there. The Enma looks namely non-boot just friendly.

therefore not be so:

but rather this:

partly still ferocious and scary ...

Then we had to cheer against first. We have (after returning to the station) with an ice getan.Eis of Baskin Robbins hmmm ... (but not cheap!)
My ice was something to do with soda ... it was sweet ... very sweet.

were everywhere around these men.
are the rickshaw-men. For a chauffeur bissl up the money through the area. Some were even quite good looking ...
the end we can not chauffeured us, but we (Katja and me) are considering whether we should be non-bias Haru and then he accuses Katja while I talk with the Rikshamann ...

Also we have unfortunately not done in the end TT__TT

But somehow I like the clothes of those ...

Then we gelatscht the first of two important places for me ... ne, of course we took the bus ... XD
the way, on both temples, I've picked out - naturally , of course - the main attraction Kannon ^ ^

so this is the Kamakura Hase-Dera (there s another one in the prefecture of Nara ... just in case you should googling) was

Since really very nice.

And the little Jizo are soooooo cute! I want to take!

And here a place for the deceased children / babies ...

höhö ... dragonfly

So, to see this beauty, you had to raufkrauchen NEN mountain. pronounced viiiiiiele steps! Katja and Haru were also watching from the heat, etc. done all right, so they have rested 0 minutes, while I am there hochgekraxelt.

And ...? It was worth it, the?

She's beautiful, right? 8 heads and 18 arms ...
and the view from up there ... haaaaaaaaaa great.

So then there were first Noon. Eigendlich we wanted to eat something before we to Hase-dera are pure, but since the shop was still closed. And I absolutely Okonomiyaki wanted.

This is another, as what I ate with Kaoru. 1) you had / could cook it myself. With Kaoru we can get it prepared ... So I think
it better ... 's more fun!
2) there was not a Hiroshima-style noodles
OUSING say ... I personally liked Hiroshima-style prefer, but it tastes both very good!

Haru-chan has made Yakisoba ...

So, now the sauce over it and Mayo ( uhhh, off Mayo, sooooo bad for!)
But it tastes very delicious asy!
Finally I know what I half years ago, the Teppanyaki've bought (and only 1 have never used) ... I now learn to make Okonomiyaki! * Hachimak i put on *

then passed it on to the Sugimoto-dera , a (gegrünet was 734!) Dr oldest temple in Kamakura.
very impressive, I must say.

at the entrance wi stehemgeblieben first and have determined verbacht five minutes trying to photograph the butterfly ...

... and he sitting still! and he wa not dead! XD Then we went

side stairs, because the direct Trppe is so old that they can no longer enter.

WOW, but it has been kept well ...* cough *

Wess I do not exactly what it is and what it is there, but I think it's pretty.

hihi, an image of Kintaro ... and next to Coal-weave.

so because it was eigendlich just across the road, we went into the Hokai-ji (temple).

As Haru-chan from a samurai family descended (he says), he first paid tribute to the ... Hojo clan I think times.

And then we went in in the bamboo forest, which is directly connected.

apart from the impressive height of the bamboo foot I had a strange feeling when.

said No 5 meters after entering the forest Katja to me: "Why, even the second vrschwommene picture."
"To my well ... and this too ... weird." * * Kowai

I am of the opinion that in this Bambuswals Yokai live! Katja and I we have tried to make a variety of photos, but almost all of them were blurry (and where my camera Sogut never makes blurry images ...) And it was with both of us so even though we spend the whole day Good photographs are made.

And since the besimmt lived!

zuvil * Gegege no Kitaro intus has to have *

Then we confessed at the bus stop waiting for un d.

And waited ...

And waited ... until the bus with a delay of 10 minutes finally came. I can see my
you imagine that? Delayed? In Japan?

In the meantime, I made the photo.
I maaaag Kappa !

Whoever "swastika" screams, gets a clap! This is the symbol of a temple. (As opposed to the gates, which are then shrines)

satnd At the bus stop, a woman (and many other people) has always beobachtt interested and funny place, as we are always between German, English and Japanese and have changed her ... (and as I said, "Ah! Kappa," and my camera had unsheathed ...)

So, take the bus back to the station and by the previously mentioned large red gate .... the shopping street. Since this store was

exactly Gibli! Everything from Totoro and co. and you know what. I bought NOTHING! YAY! * Hiding from lynch mob *
I would not h can decide .... I had my last ednes would be happy to thermo mug purchased, but there was only one motive and that I was now not be so dolle .. .

After spend shopping (and maddening of Haru) we gave back to Baskin Robbins, for there cakes! Lots of cake. The tasty looked! Much better than ours ....

and everything tasted just as delicious as it looked! and this woodruff soda with vanilla ice cream is delicious! eeeecht!
One must first gwöhnen remember that the service is top class and the Zuch what you ordered looks like in the pictures ... Service desert Germany, do you hear that?

In the shopping area I was in a partial series. Looked totally out of expensive foreign. Sat also total of thousand of women. And you know what? It was really expensive! XD
reinggangen Why am I here anyway?
The Green is just ... uh ... interesting, the further the Ennoji. (Or why I've looked at Kagurazaka ...) I
in Dorama (Japanese series) seen. Zeni Geba with Matsuyama Kennichi . \u0026lt;3
And in this drama, there was something to nibble. Something to nibble expensive ... as far as I know.
but I'll try them Wolte trotzdm times.
Makaron is called the whole thing in Japan, comes from Italy ud say there "maccarone" or "maccherone. Hardly known in Germany probably is a pig, but very popular in Japan.

I've got a big pack of 5!! Piece done indoors. has cost me 1200yen (just under 12 €)
Have they behaved shared with the other ^ ^ so everyone has even bitten. Cassis was with my opinion on leckrersten.
But that's still back on again, fatty ... TT__TT whale mode * on *

Because I've begged so hot, we're actually still on the beach! YAY! Sun was just going down ...

of Japanese beaches there are funny things ...

And at the train station toilet I could not help but to make these photos: western toilet

Japanese toilet:

I'm clear with both ... Katja tenancy still the Japanese ... well, handling is indeed rather gwöhnungsbedürftig ...

We have decided (because Haru had nch hungry ... can you imagine one?) By Kamakura ...

... by Kawasaki to go to a restaurant.

I never shock, ungläubign view of Haru will always remember when I've tipped my rice in the soup.

people not to imitate! Although I like rice soup, it is a serious crime in Japan equal ... XDDD
the way: yes, we were tired even before you board, but fits a Japanese food accessible, ne! ^ ^
That's it ...

Then we went home. Leidr I came too late for my drama with MatsuJun wra ... but then I do not care.

PS: Forgot Commission not!

Until then, Kyööö


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