Saturday, August 21, 2010

Christy Canyon Amber Lynn

Day 21: * * ächtz

Well ... as the title says: I'm barely able to move out of bed and suffer from chronic Schulterverspanneritis.

Julius mean I should go into a massage parlor ... but it is my eigendlich too expensive. As would have been a particularly handsome masseur gaaaanz be ^-_____^
I just wait until I'm back in Berlin wiedr and I can go in Steffi Muharhar hands!

@ Steffi: then wait about 2 minutes of your miracle technology to me, is not it? XD

I am increasingly of the opinion that I should einn day which under nehmn and then einn days pause. I will truly non-younger ...

Sun and after I had started two attempts to write the entry about Kawasaki and something always went wrong is right before I was ready (for example, that Firefox is abgstürzt save the ... ARGH !!!!) I am and have aufggeben gelatscht to Konbini.

The entry for Kawasaki comes later, and then for a little more detail!

Wei said Konbini. I was gfrustet and I bought my first for almost 15 € eats. And good hormones in the form of chocolates! What my plan to take short hand out Kaft continued ... TT__TT


have to Abndbrot I widr Instant Zeuch indulged ...

Tsukemen eigendlich are almost like Ramen, now that you have the extra broth and Nudn appeared there was always pure ... not bad. So for instant ....

converging Katja me and Haru had for abnd to Kawasaki invited to a pub ... but I was too gematscht than that I could rouse myself.

And so I spent the evening watching TV. It was Unubore Deka (where Ikuta Toma permitting) ...

and then I dropped dead and have until the next morning peacefully (but still too short) sleep ...

PS: Do not forget Com!


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