Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dodaj Reklame Do Strony

Day 12: The Bay

eigendlich Well ... so I had to slow due to my ever-increasing minute panic, yesterday made me a lot.

stood on my plan to visit from Tokyo Bay, Akihabara, Ueno and Asakusa Park ...
a crazy idea to do this do it all.

Since I was a long time have used the morning ... (I wanted to get up at eigendlich nine, half past ten bins but only stay up for long night before, and then write long blog ever!) ... I'm only against dreie here let loose.

then once I'm c. ¾ hour down to its Hamamatsucho Station ...

I then got out and got first out of the window of the corridor there looked and saw that it apparently is a nice park here.

And then I am Despite the tight time and schedule fulest decided to go there again.

is the little park built ...

and about 1.50 € entrance and affordable (in Tokyo, there are quite a few parks where you must pay admission)

It was very beautiful there and if I had had more time, huh tt me well calibrated and gladly stundenang put there to ... Relax was

Besides fish and ducks are also once again has a lot of insects (that I know not)

So come here again Inekten-Ratequizz (ma very honest, I'd much rather finally a Reptile see ...!)

insect A B

insect insect insect

See you on the dragonfly I find all kind of creepy (by either the size or speed)

now I was a bit relieved when I looked verschlafn a lazy turtle ...

... and of course, precisely the moment the photo shoot looked away. T__T

when the park closed Exactly (16:30) I finished my tour ... and made me finally heading for the port bridge.

to Hinode Pier

I think at this picture you can really clearly see that tourists are not here Japanischkennstnisse also well supplied.
And even illiterate ... and there is help young children ^ ^
Everywhere cards with your position or the surrounding landmarks, signposts, information boards etc. .. it is a dream!
Another Hello Germany! ^ ^

a pier from which ferries depart daily at certain times for tourists up the river to high to Asakusa.
I was already quite late there, so I could not take the ferry. (But if I weider times more time and money would have irgndwann, ichauch join another river trip ...)


It was at the time but cloudy and windy, but there were still 29 ° C . Last night I übrigends Kaoru informed that a typhoon in south-west belongs to us today and I should take an umbrella as a precaution ... maybe he will in the coming days to Tokyo, but there was yet no warnings or something ...

Nachdm I had seen enough water (though I much prefer the smell like when the sight XD) ... I am then went towards Zojoji Temple . (Or I'm in the gone Shiba Koen ..)

ga it here, among many other statues and a beautiful Kannon :

on the grounds of Shiba Koen, there are many more buildings now include but not necessarily for Zojoji Temple ...

On the right side next to the Zojoji there is a small part of this there is a Mizuko Kuyo (stupid translated the "burial ceremony for fetuses") to hold. On this type of "cemetery" at the entrance is a Kannon.

see her in the background for many of the child aside to represent Jizo.
Jizo is traditionally the protector of children, particularly children who die before their parents. Since the 1980s, there developed a trend to worship him as guardian of the souls of Mizuko (Water Child), that of stillbirths, miscarriages and aborted fetuses. This is Related to a see at that time because of a ban on contraceptives widespread practice of abortion.

There were several hundreds.

many more to see than here are.

Each of these statues for a deceased child.

some even wear the clothes of the child:

I stayed very long in this place ...
In that time were women and several of duos who brought her "child" visit and fresh flowers.
It was very moving for me.

After it has dawned and I was somewhat taken back, I made a pilgrimage to Tokyo's main attraction (which was still the same 500m)

I'm just come at the right time and have a great view of the sunset in (and later ter in the neon light) erleutete Tokyo to see.

In Tokyo Tower inside it was in itself also a little bit out of view.
I'm still as in a wax museum (what a word!) Gone.

... I wondered about the cookies in the gift shop:

(I have not bought any. Who would have them, scream please write in my blog!)

did ... but old me from sleeping men with baseball bats gfü rchtet:

am ... running behind the Mikos:

... and have harassed the staff (as usual for tourists):

the last some photos are a bit of Mark and Julie directed XDDD

So, it was already late and I have run the whole of feet and did the back hurt like hell (but I did not get a new bubble, yosh !)... I have made for home.

When I to change trains in Shibuya still short a trip was made to combine, to me the following things happened:

1) I was already old by a Salary Man angela bert, who was about to grind to a hotel * * creepy

2) I was as it were rescued by an African to do the same, but eigendlich had in mind .... * Scary * double

3) It has a Visual Kei band do a live lie was, but when I came under siege by the police ...

much to my day!

I have neither my day planning done (it's now missing still Asakusa , Ueno and Akiba )

And I was not young by , handsome ( intelligent , Japanese , friendly, ungruseligen , ungeekigen , heterosexual , normal , halfway male, well built , witty, fashionable OR even serious ) Mä addressed nnern TT__TT

and when I look out the window now so, today is probably nothing to go out ... (rain, wind and heat ... and not just a little of everything!)

Well, I'll be at least this much lighter today eat dinner with Kaoru okonomiyaki. And he even promised me to go to the movies and Hanamizuki to watch with me when it finally from 21.8. runs ... Muharhar whether he can stand it, when I all the time nu ansabber the canvas? XDDD * Ikuta-swing flags *


There are always little things sometimes, which I will carefully on that I'm either pretty damn funny or practical (or cute ^ ^)

I think it's great to hang out at the stores such posters.
tell you what is eating it here, how expensive it is and whether it is a hot or cold dish ...
Again something that I wish for German Chand!

And this is not wrong ... It was mounted on both sides of a corner ... there were marks on the floor, who for now was to go at this point where ud like to avoid colliding with other people ...

Pretty, right?

Japanese tunnel or Unteführungen remember me somehow strongly to certain parts of low-haunted houses ...

Funny Gullideckel Part 1 (I think I have its own collection, open the door ...)

logo of a transport company \u0026lt;3 just too cute ...

I am sure that there will be more goals in Germany ... good races on which that look like this:

Okay, he guesses what this is, got the extra bonus:


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